Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Victoria Strauss’s POV

“I love you, my queen.”

A deep husky male voice confessed to me and reached for my hand. He gripped my hands gently as if my hands were too fragile to him. I tilted up my head to see the guy face but the light at his back blinded my sight and his face was blurry for me to see. He was wearing a white suit and a white shoe too. Why white?

“I love you too.” I said and a smile formed on my lips. I saw his mouth moved trying to say something to me but all I heard was an ear-piercing ring.


Ugh… it’s just a dream. 

I groaned and smashed the alarm clock in annoyance. I want to spend more time with my special guy. The one that was made only for me… cut it off, Victoria. You’ll never find that special guy. He is your fantasy guy.

I got up from my bed and glanced at the alarm clock. It showed 10 a.m.

“Oh shit! I’m late. I’m late!”I shrieked and quickly stripped off my pajama. I went straight to the bathroom and showered. Less than 10 minutes, I’m already done. I went to my closet and started rummaging it to find my today outfit. I put on a white T-shirt and a black jean. I blew my wet brown hair dry with a hair dryer in rush. Then, I bolted off to downstairs and took a glance around the living room. 

Yup… I’m late. Dad isn’t here and mom too. 

I’m ruined. I’m ruined!

I put on my black Converse shoe and ran straight to my parent’s restaurant. Sweet Moment is the name. I don’t know why they chose such a cheesy name. 

 My 107th blind date was today and I’m late for it. Mom is going to be mad.

And I worked at their restaurant too. I’m not picky in picking jobs but when you worked at your parent’s restaurant, it felt strange. It doesn’t feel like a workplace. More like your own house.

I worked just being a kitchen helper. I helped wash the dishes, sweep and mop the floor, throw rubbish and countless more. The funny thing is I got Bachelor of Public Administration. 

What a great life!

I stopped at the front entrance of the restaurant. I bent a little resting my hands on my knees to get a breath. 

“I need to get exercised more. I feel like I am 40 or something!”I muttered to remind myself on my physical fitness. I’m already out of breath after running in a 300 meters distance.

I straightened my back up and started to push the door but the door was opened by a middle aged woman who is my mom. I just waved my hand to her and said hi with a sheepish smile formed on my lips.

She grabbed my wrist so tight that I’m sure that it will leave bruise. I just followed her and she dragged me quite far from the restaurant. We stopped at the sidewalk and I sighed in relief as she released her deadly grip on my wrist.

“Victoria Strauss, do you know what your sin is for today?”Mom asked with a big fake grin. 

“Um… being late?”I reluctantly replied and gave her a big smile too.

“Yes and a bold yes. Did you know that Sam Wellington guy left an hour ago because of your lateness?”Mom said glaring at me and her nose were flared in annoyance.

“Mom, he’s 40 for god sake! I’m not going to marry a pedophile!”I said annoyed at her. Seriously, she was letting her 23 years old daughter, her one and only daughter to marry an old man with pop belly? Plus he’s not even rich.

“Honey… Why are you being so difficult? How much time did you need to find your future husband? You even didn’t want Oliver.” She said in a defeat tone. 

“Mom, I don’t want to marry him. I just want my special guy I am in love with. Plus, I’m still wanted to be single. You can’t just let me go with a stranger man and get married and have babies with them.”I explained hoping that she’ll understand. But mom needs money more than anything.

“Honey, I understand your feeling. But you know, we need money right now. You will find your happiness after you get married.”Mom said pleading me to understand and follow all her words.

I don’t understand. Did I was born for my own mother’s good to do all her commands?

“I’m sorry, mom. I can’t. I’ll get a job and work hard to get money you needed. But please don’t marry me off with some stranger men.”I pleaded didn’t want to let off the rising burning lava in my body. I can’t lose control of my temper. She’s my mom. 

“Victoria Strauss, I’ll give you only this one chance. You can do whatever you want but you need to find your future husband by your own. I won’t help you and if you didn’t manage to find your future husband before next year, I’ll marry you with Oliver.”She said her final deal with me and left. I just stunned standing there still in shock. 

Mom threatened me. 

Then, my sight blurred as my tears pooled in my eyes. 

No, Victoria. You can’t cry. This was nothing. I can handle this.

No… I can’t.

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