Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Victoria Strauss’s POV

“Well, well, well. What did I have today?” The woman said sitting on the leather couch as her grey eyes were checking my body with her narrowed eyes.

“Elena, why are you here?”Adam said to the woman named Elena who is still checking at me. She shot a glare to Adam and Adam just darted his eyes to somewhere else. 

“Adam, I told you to not to cut my credit cards off. I need to buy a new dress for Pauline’s birthday party tomorrow. Give me your card. I want the black one. Please?”She pouted pleading at Adam while I just standing there eyeing the whole scene. 

Who the fuck is this Elena woman? I don’t give a shit about my harsh word anymore.

Is she Adam’s girlfriend?

Well, I guess she is because any guy would want a woman as beautiful as her. She has a black straight hair that reached above her waist and a pair of mesmerizing grey eyes. I am always dreaming of having those eyes. She has a well-tanned skin and she is taller than me. She wore a white dress that reached above her knees that hugged every curves and a pair of golden platform shoes that make her 6 inches taller than my height that is just 5 foot 1 inch.

“Elena, you had wasted a lot of money this month. Now I know why mom and father didn’t let you to have credit cards. I already helped you and now you need to find your own money.”Adam explained as he sat on his seat but his eyes still on Elena’s. Elena crossed her arms across her chest and stare at me again. What’s wrong with this woman? She keeps eyeing on me with curiosity. 

“Who are you? And why are you still standing there listening to my private talk with my brother?”She scowled and scrunched up her nose. 

“What is your position here? Who are you to my brother? Are you one of my brother’s sleeping partners?”She snickered and I just smiled at her. She is Adam’s sister? Now that I realized that they have same facial features.

“Elena, she is my new assistant, Victoria. My que- I mean Victoria, this is my sister, Elena.”Adam introduced us. Elena gasped a little after she heard Adam and her lip curved into a big happy smile.

“Adam, it’s her, right?”Elena asked staring at Adam with her eyes widened a little. 

What happened?

Is she talking about me?

“Mom said to me that the woman is your...”Elena hung off her words as her eyes turned to see me. Adam just sighed and ran up his hands messing his silky black hair. 

“Yes, she is. When did mom told you?”He asked while narrowing his eyes at her. Someone please tell me what are they talking about.

“Oh my gosh! It’s her! I should tell this to mom!”She said as her rummaged her brown bag. She makes a call as soon as she found her Iphone 5. Wow, she has Iphone 5. 

“Mom! She’s in front of me now! Adam’s assistant! She’s really beautiful!”Elena squealed as she walked out from the room to talk with her mom. Why is she talking about me like I am someone popular or famous? Maybe I have amnesia about my past being a popular celebrity and still haven’t recovered yet.

What am I thinking about? 

I snapped from my thought as Adam cleared his throat at the uncomfortable silence. I turned to meet Adam’s eyes.

“Elena is always like that when she met new people. Don’t be bothered by her.”Adam said while smiling reassuringly at me. 

He thinks I don’t know that he is lying right now. 

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