Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Victoria Strauss’s POV

I was tapping my fingers on the bar counter waiting patiently for Valerie’s presence but we had waited for 1 hour! 1 freaking hour! I’m worried that she got kidnapped and murdered by some psychopath. 

I turned my attention to Tanya who was sitting on the stool calmly with her long tan slender legs crossed. I wish I have those beautiful legs.

“Relax, Vic. She’ll be here any minute. I had texted her and she texted back that she might be a little late.”Tanya said watching at me in concern that was walking back and forth in front of her. 

Valerie Stanley is the owner of famous 5 stars hotel, Stanley Hotel. She inherited the hotel after she graduated from a prestige private college, Linston Private College. Her father, Ben Stanley gave his position to her and I think I only saw her father 2 times when I was 15 and 17. Her father is famous for being a strict and cold person but I know deep in his heart, he loves Valerie as he always asked me about Valerie whenever he saw me. I bet he’s like that because Valerie looks like her mother and she’s his only child.

“Hey, Vic. There she is!”She exclaimed and shook my shoulder to look at the one she pointed. My eyes were squinted to see Valerie but my glasses were at her car. She wanted me to take off my glasses only for once because I’m always has my glasses on and never take it off in front of them. She also added that Valerie will like me without glasses on and wanted me to be Valerie’s present only for a few hours. 

“Tanya, I told you I’m just a blind young woman without glasses on. I barely can see you but I can’t see her at all.”I said while rubbing my eyes. 

“Just for today, okay? You’re more beautiful without it anyway.”She said pleading me for her crap. Hmm… it’s only for tonight.

“Hey, is this my birthday party? And look at you, Vic. You’re not wearing those ugly glasses.”A familiar female voice greeted us from back and hugged me from back. As the familiar fruity scent hit my nostrils, I knew it was Valerie.

“Val, we’re worried. You’re too occupied with your work and you don’t need to come if you’re that busy to come to this party.”I said trying to make her felt bad for letting me and Tanya waiting her in an hour.

“I’m sorry for my late presence but this is my birthday party so I need to come and by the way, you’re beautiful and sexy today.”She said in amuse as she eyes me from head to toe. I just motioned to her clawing cat and we giggled together. 

“Guys, come here. I already prepared the cake.”Tanya said and motioned to us to come to her. We just shrugged and went to her.

“Happy birthday, Valerie!”Tanya and I shrieked at her. She just laughed in glee and blew the lit candle.

“Make your wish, birthday girl.”I said and she quickly makes her wish. Whatever her wish is, I hope it comes true.

1 hour later…

I woke up in annoyance as the fast music blasted throughout the club disturbed my deep slumber. I rubbed my eyes to see Tanya and Valerie clearly on the dance floor. They were still passionately dancing grinding their hips at other males. The males did better keep their filthy hands from touching my friends or they will never see their ‘little friends’ again.

I got off from the stool I am sitting at and almost tumbled as the dizziness and the headache still pounding my head. Damn that champagne! 

I walked out from the club to get fresh air and have some time alone as some filthy males in the club keep flirting at me. Why won’t they flirt with Tanya and Valerie instead? They’re hundred times more beautiful and sexy than me.

I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I felt better after I took a few breaths. 

Suddenly, I heard a groan nearby. The groan sent tingles in my spine, a weird tingles that sent pleasure to me. 

I went for searching the person who just groaned. Then, I found a guy who was lying on the sidewalk. Doesn’t he know that everyone was watching him in disgust? He must have been drunk. 

“Hello, are you okay? Can you get up?”I asked worried at the people who were murmuring about him being a useless drunk hobo. Seriously, he was wearing a black Armani suit so how can they think he was a hobo?

He turned his head to see me and his face expressed depression, pain and lone… wow, I could be a poet if I continued.

“Stay away from me!”He shouted loudly at me and it caught the attention all the people nearby. 

What’s wrong with this dude?! Did he knew that he was making a ruckus here?! I didn’t know what’s wrong with him and I didn’t care. I’ll help him even if he hated it. I was in a good mood to help today. 

I grabbed his arm and lifted it. I placed his arm around my shoulder and lifted him. After a few steps, I leaned him against the wall and I took some breath as I barely lifted him to wall before I leaned beside him.

“Are you okay? You know that you might be hit by a car and look like a mad person lying on the sidewalk.”I scolded to let off steam from the embarrassment of being people attention just now with him. 

“You didn’t have to bring me here. My driver will come to fetch me up.”He said an octave lower than before. His voice was deep husky as if I had heard it before. Right! He sounded like the special guy in my dream. 

No way! He’s not my special guy. My special guy always speaks in sweet soothing voice and never let his voice high at me. 

“Um… That’s great.”I replied as I took out my phone and earphone. I plugged in the earphone and searched for music to play. He flinched in shock as I tucked in my left earphone into his ear. I chuckled slightly at his reaction while tucking in another earphone into my ear. 

“I’m not going to hurt you. Well, maybe my outfit looks scary but I’m not.”I said still chuckling referring to my Catwoman outfit. Catwoman wasn’t a villain, right?

“Ooo… you’re not going to hurt me. Don’t you know your situation right now? You’re with me alone in a dark and quiet place…”He whispered at my ear and what disturbed me more was the close distant between us and his breath was reek of alcohol. 

“What are you talking about? Shoo… your breath stinks!”I shooed him away trying to stop the funny feeling in my chest. My heart was pounding faster than usual and his deep husky voice sent tingles down my spine.

What was wrong with me now?

I felt… weird. I even imagining him stripping in my mind and we kissed passionately and… what?! 

I… I am insane! Why would I imagining him with me?

“Wait. What’s your name?”He asked staring at me and I squirmed a bit at his uncomfortable stare. 

“Um… Victoria. Victoria Strauss’s the name.”I replied and shut my eyes closing the conversation. I hugged my legs onto my chest and leaned my forehead on my knees. I stayed like that until I felt a warm big hand held me closer to the guy chest but I keep my eyes closed. 

“Thank you… you’re so beautiful.”The guy whispered at me and I flinched slightly as his breath fanned my ear tickling me. His voice… was a lullaby to me. I fell into deep slumber after he whispered at me. I think this was the best sleep in my life.

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