Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Victoria Strauss’s POV

“Back to earth, Victoria Strauss!”Tanya said in a high voice as she snapped her fingers at me.

“Huh?”My mind was snapped to reality and I looked at Tanya’s baby blue eyes. She was scowling at me and Valerie just staring me with her signature serious look.

“I thought you’re going to have fun today.”Tanya asked as she took a sip of her coke. I looked down at my untouched MGB and fries. I looked around seeing the crowd and we were at McDonald.

“Oh… I just… a bit tired.”I replied as I grabbed my MGB and took a big bite of it into my already wide opened mouth.

“Does it relate with Adam?”Valerie shot me a shocking question after a while of not talking and I almost chocked my burger. I quickly grabbed the coke beside my fries and gulped it down.

“W-what d-does it makes you think like that? He didn’t do anything at me.”I replied while stuttering a bit at her question.  I wiped my lips with a tissue and placed it down beside my coke.

“Don’t tell me that you guys did ‘that’.”Tanya said with a sly smirk on her lips. I waved my hands and shook my head frantically denying her. 

“You really did ‘it’? Oh my god, V. We’re waiting for a long time to hear that good news. I don’t want my beloved friend still a virgin until you’re all wrinkled. Am I right, Val?”Tanya chirped as she clasped her hands and darted her shimmering eyes at Valerie.

“I’m glad you’re not virgin anymore but… with Adam Watson? I don’t know whether I should be happy for you or not.”Valerie replied still staring straight into my eyes. My heart began to pound and my hands were sweaty.

She’s not happy for me with Adam?

“You should be happy for her, Val. You can’t judge her sex and love relationship.”Tanya said as her smile dropped after she heard Valerie’s reply. I just shrugged and threw a fry into my mouth.

“I’m not going to lie to you, V but Adam is a big player. I had caught him and his friend, Calvin Hugh with women before and you know my intention telling you this, right?”She asked as she looked at me with concerned look. I just sighed and my shoulder slumped. 

She doesn’t want me to be one of those women.

I already knew it that Adam is a player because you know it well if you saw a hot guy wearing Armani suit in an expensive car, the word ‘player’ and ‘money’ came into your mind. Its human’s instinct to think like that.

“I know, Val but I can’t do anything. I love him.”I replied shortly and stared down at my fries. Those fries used to be mouth-watering for me but now… it looks dull and not very appetizing.

“Let’s stop talking about this. We’re here to relieve our stress. Now, let’s get out of here.”Tanya stated as her hands gripped Valerie and my wrists. We were dragged out from McDonald by Tanya’s unusual strong grip. 

“We are going to buy new lingerie and new dresses.”Tanya said as we were entering Forever 21. 

“And new shoes.”I added and I received a dagger glare from Tanya. 

“You have enough of shoes so only lingerie and dresses today.”Tanya replied and suddenly my stomach began to grumble. 

Argh… it’s because of the coke. I can’t drink a cold beverage when the weather is hot. 

“Tanya, emergency.”I begged Tanya as I pointed my grumbling stomach. She rolled her eyes at me and released her grip on my wrist.

“Okay, don’t take it too long!”Tanya said as I headed out from Forever 21 and my eyes searched for a toilet in this packed mall. 

I thanked to God as I found a nearby toilet near McDonald and I quickly ran towards the toilet. 

I washed my hands on the sink after I finished my business. I was lucky that I wore my black knee high shoes or I would trip myself if I wore high heels. 

Suddenly, I have a weird feeling in my mind as if I was being watched. I looked around the toilet and there’s no one inside this toilet which I found it strange. 

This mall is quite busy but nobody is in the toilet beside me?

My sixth sense sensed danger and I took the cue to leave this place immediately.

I gasped as a warm rough hand cupped my mouth and gripped my shoulder. I shut my eyes closed and wiggled to release myself but the stranger was stronger than me.

“Surprise, surprise, baby girl!”A male voice whispered at my left ear and I shivered at that sexy voice. This voice was similar to… Oliver!

As I opened my eyes, I saw my own reflection on the mirror. Behind me was a guy wearing a grey hood jacket covering his face with a pair of ripped jean and his muscular hand was gripping on my shoulder. The guy took off his hood and revealing Oliver’s face.

“We look good together. Am I right, baby girl?”Oliver whispered to me as his grey eyes stared at the mirror together with me.

“You know, V. Your guy friend seems to don’t know about me. He reported me to the police and I have run away from the fucking police for 3 months. Don’t you pity me?”He whispered again as he pouted at me. I just keep my mouth shut… well I can’t say anything if he keeps cupping my mouth. 

“I’m sorry for my bad action that night, baby girl. I lost my temper and you shouldn’t make me angrier that night. I still love you with all my heart.”He said as he leaned his chin on my shoulder and sniffed my scent and yes, I still frozen in his arms.

“I promise I’ll bring a diamond ring for you and we’ll get married soon. But promise me one thing, you can’t marry your guy friend or I’ll kill him.”He threatened me as he trailed small kisses on my shoulder. I keep shivering in disgust at his kisses. It felt different than Adam’s.

I mustered all my strength and swung my head to his face. He screamed in pain as he cupped his nose and I finally can free myself from him. 

But to my dislike, he managed to grab my hair and I screamed as my hair was being pulled towards him. 

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… no, you can’t get away from me.”He said like a typical villain or crazy person in horror and thriller movie. I burst into tears frightened of what he will do at me. And a scary movie suddenly played in my mind. 

He’ll slice my skin and sell it at a sashimi restaurant or take my heart and keep it in a chest like the Pirate of The Caribbean’s movie.

I don’t want my heart rotting in a chest!

“I love you, baby girl but you’re denying your own feeling towards me. Why?”He asked sounded upset at me. 

“I don’t love you! I love Adam!”I shouted at him as his grip on my hair getting stronger and stronger. 

I should cut my hair into short bob!

“No! You love me, Victoria! You don’t love him!”He snapped at me almost making me shrunk in fear. 

He’s too scary right now!

“Hey, anybody in there? Open the door!”A female voice shouted behind the closed door and our head were snapped towards the door. The door was knocked and banged by someone and I was relieved that someone finally wanted to use this toilet.

“I’m sorry, baby. I need to go. I’ll see you later!”He whispered and kissed my cheek. I wiped my cheek with my hand disgusted at his kiss. 

He twisted the doorknob and stormed off from the toilet. A middle aged woman who was in front of the door looked shocked and she was frozen on her feet.

“Oh my gosh! Did you just with that man in here? Can’t you guys do it more privately?”She scowled at me as she got into the toilet. I just ignored her and walked off pass by her. 

“Today kids are spoiled!”I caught her cursed before I left the toilet. 

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