Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Adam Watson’s POV

I listened to my best friend, Calvin talking about how his car business going. I was getting to start daydream about my queen until he suddenly talked about my queen.

“That Victoria chick is cute. She’s totally my type.”He said while grinning at me. A frown formed on my forehead as I heard him. 

“She’s not. Your type is a tall and sexy woman while Victoria is a complete opposite.”I said trying to defend my queen from him. I don’t want to have a competitor especially it is my own best friend. My queen is mine and mine only.

“Nah, I change my mind. Victoria Strauss is my type now.”He said still grinning at me. I feel my anger is boiling and I was trembling in rage. I stood up and grabbed his collar up as my anger consumed me.

“Victoria Strauss is mine and mine only!”I threatened feeling insecure at Calvin who is trying to claim what is mine. I raised my eyebrow as I watched Calvin just laughing at my threat.

“Don’t tell me that you have falling in love with her.”He said while wiggling his eyebrow. I released my grip on his collar and sat again on my seat. I cleared my throat trying to ignore his naughty look.

“So, how does it feel to fall in love?”Calvin asked while sitting on his seat. He adjusted his collar and looked at me with his forest green eyes.

“It feels like I want to fuck her real bad but I can’t because I don’t want to hurt her. Every single part of his body is perfect.”I explained like a lovesick puppy while Calvin keeps laughing at me. Can’t he understand my situation right now?

“Gosh, Adam. You’re creepier than usual. I saluted that Victoria chick for changing you like a helpless lovesick puppy.”Calvin said and laughed again and again. He stopped as I glared him and narrowed my eyes.

“Okay, okay… What do you want from me?”He said trying to be serious on this matter.

“I want you to help me how to make her fall for me.”I said while leaning on my seat. Calvin grinned while copying my action.

“Okay, I’ll help you since you’re my only best friend. I’ll tell you all the tips and of course, the top secret to make her fall for you hard too.”He said while pulling his signature smirk.

“First, you need to know a woman weakness. A common one.”He said looking deep into my eyes. Okay… a woman weakness. What it is? Think, Adam, think. 


“Everyone hates death.”Calvin said while rolling his eyes. 


“Are you kidding me?”


“Ugh… why I am befriending with a stupid guy?”


“Almost correct. I’ll give you a clue. It is square in shape and you need to step on it for it to work.”

“What The Fuck is that?!”

“Manner, dude!”

“I don’t give a shit. Give me the answer!”I demanded as I slammed my fists on the desk. He didn’t even flinch, just clicking his tongue.

“I can’t just give you the answer.”He said while shaking his head.

I tried lot of answers but ended up getting the wrong one. I didn’t realize that the time was almost 2 until I glanced at my watch.

“Calvin, you don’t have any work to do at your office, right? It’s almost 2 p.m.”I said while looking at him. He took a glance at his watch and gasped. I knew that look.

“Oh God, I’m late. I have a meeting with an important guest at 1.30 p.m.”He said and rose up from his seat. 

“Wait. You haven’t told me the answer yet.”I said trying to stop him from leaving my effort to nothing. 

“The answer is weight scale.”He answered before pulling the door. 


“Fat is women’s main enemy. Just search it on Google, man. I’m running late!”He shouted getting frustrated before he got out from my office. I just shrugged and breathed out. 

 I turned my eyes gazing at the skyscraper buildings from the glass wall of my office. I called for my queen to bring me a coffee. I drank coffee whenever I think about something. That makes me a coffee addict.

I turned again to see my queen walking towards me with a cup of coffee in her hand. She hand the coffee on my desk before leaving the room. 

“Wait.”I said stopping her from leaving my office. I can hear she grunted and glared at me.

“What do you want from me, Adam?” She said with a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

“Tell me what do you like and give reasons.”I said before taking a sip of my coffee. Wow, her coffee is quite good.

“Why?”She said with a bored tone.

“Can’t I know about my queen likes?” I asked cockily and glanced at her. A cute pout formed on her face. I can’t help but chuckled slightly at her pout. Damn it, she is too fucking cute!

“Okay. I love ice-creams, Wattpad, money, shoes and my lovely big brother.”She said while smiling ear to ear as she mentioned the last word. I just raised my eyebrow at the mention of his brother.

“Your brother? Why would an angel love the ugly Gollum like him?”I said while smirking as the memory when I met her brother played in my mind. They look alike but my queen has brown eyes and her brother has blue eyes instead. 

“Excuse me? My brother is better than you.”She said sounding very pissed at my assault of her brother. 

“Okay. Maybe he’s better than me by your point but every woman will choose me over him obviously.”I said still smirking at her.

“I have the black silky hair that will make you addicted to run your hands through it.”I said as I placed my coffee down on the table and walked towards her. She backed a little as I continued walking towards her.

“I have the icy blue eyes that will drown you by just taking a glance of it.”I said pushing her with my chest as she just an inch away from my chest. Her eyes started to pace around in mortify.

“I have the well-toned skin and a heavenly well-built body that will make any woman content by just grazing their flesh on my body.”I said still pushing her until she was trapped on the wall. I slammed my hands between her to trap her from leaving the spot. 

“And I have the amazing charm that can make any woman swoon.”I whispered to her ear and she backed her head away from me a little.

“A-Adam… W-what are you doing?”She said in a trembling voice as my forehead was leaned on hers. Her eyes were shut tightly as if she was afraid with something bad is going to happen. Why is she always afraid when I got close to her?

Am I fucking that scary?

 No fucking way! Every times I make this move to the women, they totally got swoon by it! 

“My queen, you just can’t resist me.”I said trying to make her agree. But she still is closing her eyes and her clenched fists are trembling. 

What’s wrong with her? 

She looks afraid. No, she looks like someone who is in trauma on something. I wonder what make her this afraid.

I hauled her into my embrace and started to smooth her back until I was shocked by the banging door revealing a fuming woman came out from it.

“Adam!”She shrieked so loud that I bet my eardrums were about to explode.

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