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A brown haired 5 years old girl was sitting on the grass by herself as her hazel eyes were stuck on Sleeping Beauty’s story book. She was completely immersed in her reading that she wasn’t realized that a black haired boy with a pair of the same eyes with her tiptoeing towards her. 

“Boo!”The boy shouted at the girl on her back making she screamed in a very high pitched scream. The boy shut his ears with his palms while shouting at the girl to stop.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Please stop!”He shouted at the girl and she was quiet after he apologized. There were tears on her chubby cheek and her eyes were glassy because of the tears.

“Mommy wants you to go inside. Rain is coming.”He said as he tugged his sister’s arm but the girl was very stubborn. She didn’t listen to his brother’s order.

“No, I want to sit here.”She said as she stomped her small feet and pouted at him.

“Mommy will get angry.”He said again trying to convince her sister to go back to the house.

“Mommy will get angry? Okay.”She said and walked with her brother clearly afraid of her mommy’s getting mad. She was scared of her mommy’s mad face. It looks like a ravenous feral monster.

“Daddy!”The girl screamed as she ran towards her daddy who was sitting on a white bench near the back door. The daddy turned his head towards his daughter and grabbed his daughter up. He was so happy by just meeting his daughter who looks completely like his wife. He attacked his daughter’s chubby cheeks with kisses. 

“Stop kissing her, Adam. Don’t give her too much love or she’ll be spoiled kid when she grows up.”Adam snapped his head towards the back door as he heard his wife angelic voice. 

“She’s my daughter, my queen. I can kiss her whatever I want.”Adam replied as he put his beautiful daughter down and walked towards Victoria who was leaning on the door with her arms crossed. 

“And you’re beautiful as always.”He whispered at her ears as his naughty hands creep on his wife’s exposed thigh. Victoria was wearing only a purple tank top with a pair of denim shorts. It’s not like she want to exposed her skin too much but the weather was quite hot today and she can’t bear wearing less-exposing clothes in this weather. And she was very grateful that the sky look quite dark signaling the downpour will come.

“Get inside, kids. It looks like going to rain.”She said as she brought her kids into the house and closed the door. Adam and the kids sat on the big red couch and played tickling each other. 

“Mommy, where is Lily?”A girl’s voice came from the stairs. Her second daughter was walking downstairs as her icy blues eyes wandered around searching for her teddy bear. 

“I think it’s at the kitchen. You bring it to the kitchen this morning.”Victoria said as she walked to the kitchen to search for Lily. The brown haired girl with icy blue eyes followed her mommy from behind to look for Lily too.

“Here she is.”Victoria said as she grabbed the teddy bear on the chair. Her daughter’s eyes glimmered in delight as she saw her beloved teddy bear. 

“Thank you, mommy.”She said as she ran towards her other siblings and daddy.

Victoria Strauss’s POV

Now I am happily married with Adam for 6 years. We were blessed with triplet, 2 girls and a boy. The eldest one was a boy named Ryan Bane Watson. He is very good-looking and what I’m worried the most is he got his daddy’s personality. The second one was a girl named Chloe Levy Watson. She is beautiful as well but she got mostly of his daddy’s personality. I wonder why they got their daddy’s cocky and short temper. And my youngest daughter was Mary Jane Watson. I named her after Spiderman’s girlfriend’s name because I want her future husband is Peter Parker. I only can hope. I’m worried about her though because she looks completely like me. She even loves to read like me!

Let’s talk about Oliver. He was captured by the police as he ran away after stabbing me. He was also arrested for murdering his own parent to get money to buy a ring for me. I pity him but I was angry at him at the same time. Then, I was hospitalized for a month. Adam proposed to me after a week I got out from the hospital and of course, I accepted it. I won’t be talking about our kids just now if I’m not marrying him. I was very thankful towards Lucy because she managed to track down Oliver’s number like CSI or NCIS.

Now I became a freelance writer while Adam was still on his CEO position. Our restaurant became one of the famous restaurants in state. Elena continued her carrier as a model and Lucy was studying in Linston Private College. Tanya became one of the most famous fashion designer in the world and she was married with a successful movie director, Roy Clement meanwhile Stanley Hotel was still Paradise Hotel’s main enemy but Valerie don’t get bothered by it and she often visit me with Tanya every weekend to play with my kid. I heard some rumors about her with Calvin though but she never talked about it to me. Neil became a famous celebrity chef and Calvin… uh… still flirting around as usual even with me! But I know he’s only want to play around and he’s my kids all time favorite uncle.

“What are you thinking about, my queen?”A familiar deep husky voice whispered at my ears making me shiver in pleasure. A pair of warm arms slides on my waist and leaning a chin on my shoulder.

“Nothing.”I muttered as I closed my eyes savoring the pleasure of him kissing my neck. I almost let out a moan and he chuckled on my neck. 

“Let’s go upstairs and make out.”He said still placing his lips on my neck. 

“But I don’t want to leave the kids.”I replied in a soft voice as I detangled his arms on my waist but he refused. 

“Let the maids do their work and we make out.”He said again and bit my neck playfully.


I yelped as my body was lifted in bridal style by Adam. He was enjoying himself by lifting me and went to upstairs. As we got into our room, he put me down carefully on the bed and attacked me with his nonstop kisses. 

“I love you, my queen.”He muttered as his lips trailed down to my collar bone.

“I love you too, Mr. Billionaire.”

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