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***Misaki pov***

I woke up huddled in between Mika and Toshi because I thought they needed some damn air and then we all shot up after having cold as heck water poured on us.

"Rise and shine brats, it's training day!!!"
Dad was actually laughing at us, asshole!

"Dad what the actual fuck!!"
We slowly got out of our tent dragging our now drenched bedding to hang it up.

"10 laps go"
He was worse than Kiri and Deku combined, we were totally going to die.

"10 laps of what?"
Toshi asked terrified .

"The lake"
Deku said, rolling up his sleeves walking into the clearing.
I ran of seeing dad's hand start to spark if we didn't leave now he'd attack us!! The other two saw my face and ran after me.

"Ok you did good only took you an hour, 15 minute break and then sparing"
I balked, 15 minutes?!

"Who will be sparring who Mr. Midoriya?"
Mika asked.

"Well we thought it would be beneficial if Toshi sparred Bakugo
You'll go with your Kirishima and obviously Misaki will go with Deku"
Momo said before adding adding.
"And Ochaco and I will make lunch while noting where you need to improve, oh and here's your sparring gear"
We all thanked her and bowed and went and got changed.

**Alt pov**

"Kacchan don't go easy on Toshi, I want her to use her quirks, she refuses to use it"
Deku grinned at his daughter who looked beyond worried, she wasn't scared of Bakugo she just never wanted to hurt anyone.

"Only if you do the same for my brat..... Wait she has 2 quirks too?"
Bakugo turned to his lifelong rival.

"Yeah she does, she's to scared to use the weird version of one for all but get her mad enough and she will"
Deku laughed a little on the inside knowing that a fired up Toshi could be a challenge for Kacchan.

"Haha I know just how to get her to use it."
Bakugo said walking off to go stretch.

"So little dude I want you to come at me with all you've got!!! If you's are going to be the new big 3 you can't hold back!"
Kirishima said pep talking Mika.

"I wouldn't know how to hold back"
Mika said viciously running at the hero Red Riot. Deku approached Misaki who had gone over to another clearing further up.

"You ready Misaki?, Start with no tails and we will work our way up from that"
Misaki nodded and stretched, preparing for a good training session being outside meant more room to fight.

*Kirishima and Mika*

"Be aware of your limits! A villain will take advantage!"
Mika had gone at Kirishima using only his quirk and burnt out really quickly, meaning he was overheating Shoto was on the sidelines watching knowing his son would pull a stunt like this he walked over and iced his son to help with his drawbacks.

"Kids strong! Even cut me a few times"
Kirishima said rubbing the few injuries.
"These kids are really strong! Like crazy strong"
he added.

"They are, which means the next gen villains must be just as strong"
Shoto commented.

"Can we go watch Toshi now?"
Mika asked still kind of over heating.

"Only if you train for fighting with out your quirk!"
His father said back to him.

"Ugh fine!"

*Bakugo and Toshi*

"You just as pathetic as you damn father to busy analysing everything instead of going in for the win, doing that will end up getting someone hurt! Maybe I should go after your lover boy!!"

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