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We hung out in the kitchen for a long while, chatting and admittedly flirting, it was like it was second nature to us.

He smirked and moved to the bench across from me I just wanted to grab him and kiss that smirk off his face, I didn't realise I was staring at his lips until he did and said something.

"Are my lips that good to look at? Maybe you want a closer look?"

"I'd like a taste more"

He moved forward until he was between my legs hands on the bench either side next to my thighs caging me in he was close to me our nose almost touching he nuzzled mine as he teased me with the possibility of a kiss.

"One condition.... then I'll kiss you"

"What is it?"
I asked with mischief dripping from my tongue.

"I want to be yours Y/n! Ever since we paired up I've belonged to you, will you be my girlfriend"

I nodded and he pressed his lips against mine is hands found themselves on the small of my back while mine were around his neck and my fingers tangled in his hair, the kiss was like we had been together forever, it was as easy as breathing the way our lips moved together.

"Do I need to give you two the talk?"

We both jumped turning to the person who managed to get in the house without us even noticing.

"Holy crap Kiri you scared the crap out of us! And no you know you don't"

"I'm just teasing firecracker, I'll leave you two alone I'm heading to the office, papers to grade"

The redhead looked defeated, he wasn't known for his brains and now he had to grade school work, I didn't envy him.

"We should probably do some studying too as much as I want to continue this"
I said turning to the male still standing between my legs, our body heat starting to get a bit too much.

"We have a long time do more of that!"
He purred in my ear, how is he so god damn sexy and why has he got me thinking like this?

We got to studying and after we finished Netsu started to play games on his phone while I started to pack what stuff I needed, we were to move on campus soon, the only reason I hadn't yet was because of everything that happened during the break and with the pairings we are in our own dorm building, which Dad hated the idea of me being so close to a boy that seemed to hate me and Netsu, but we would have different rooms and I tried to drill it into him that it's really no different to when he was at school.

"Hey Brat, hey Netsu"

"Hey Dad"

"Hello Mr. Bakugo"

Dad walked by not actually stopping to say hello just kept walking past obviously throwing something around his room before storming back.

"You staying the night Netsu?"
Dad asked when he got back to my bedroom door.

"No sir I was going to walk home soon"
Netsu said, it was the truth he said he would walk back insisting I not get him a cab.

"I'd appreciate if you stayed, I got a call on my way home Kirishima and I have to go to a meeting and then patrol, I can't give details yet but if you could stay and keep her say....."

"Of course Mr.Bakugo"
Netsu replied I knew he would keep me safe and so did Dad.

We decided to go and watch a movie in the lounge once we had packed up from studying and fixing up a futon for Netsu, deciding on some random movie after arguing about what movie before Dad came and picked for us.

After Dad and Kiri left it was just Netsu and me in the house, it was nice but something felt off.

"What is it Y/n?"

"Somethings off, I don't know what it is"

The feeling of unease got more intense before I grabbed Netsu and ran to the panic room, locking the doors and moving over to the console I flicked on the cameras and I was right to freak out.


We looked at the cameras and there was a group of people walking around the house, I recognised a few of them.

"It's my dad"
Netsu said getting visibly shaky.

"Shit Dads not picking up, either is Kiri"

"I'll call Aizawa! You try you Deku"
Netsu ordered I was starting to freak out more, what were they doing here? I froze when I seen one guy light blue hair reflecting the moonlight.

"Deku!! It's Shigaraki he's at the house, Dads on patrol Dabi is here too! And a few others from the articles about the league" I said as clear and calm as I possibly could as soon as I heard him pick up his phone.

"I'll send out an alert Y/n stay in the panic room ok? We will be there soon" the green haired hero replied I knew someone would be able to help us.

"We'll be ok in here won't we?"
Netsu asked watching the screens as the villains made their way into the house.

"It's fireproof and incredibly strong but I don't think it will be much of an issue for Shigaraki to get through" I said grabbing on to Netsu's hand as we watched the villains get closer.

Finally Dad got back to me I picked up my phone in a hurry.

"What is it kid?"

"The league is in the house, Netsu and I are in the panic room, I called Deku he's going to help, I'm scared Dad"

"You'll be ok in the panic room we're on our way, I'll send out an alert ok shit I'm coming"

"Dad Shigaraki is here what if he can get in?"

"Fuck, hang tight if they get to you, both of you go all out!! You hear me don't give two shits about the house you roast those fuckers!"

"Ok dad, I love you!"

"You too brat"

I hung up and turned to Netsu he heard our orders and we looked back to the screens.
It was a blur but someone took out 3 of the villains, somehow they found the entrance of the panic room the blue haired leader taking off a glove ready to place his destructive digits against the door.

When the blur we had seen before came into view all we could do was watch through the monitors.

"Don't you dare go bear her Tomura!"
The woman demanded just has his hand was about to make contact.

"Hello crazy long time no see"
The woman turned to look behind her when another figure came out of the cameras blindspot.

Dabi was behind her I gasped when I realised who it was, Dabi went to grab her but she made quick work and knocked him out, the way she moved was incredible all I could do was watch in shock and awe.

A villain I didn't recognise flanked her pinning her to a wall as Shigaraki approached hand outstretched.

"You betrayed us Toga, now we are going to take her and make her one of us!"

"Like hell you will, she's just like her father she won't do it"

His hand got closer to the blonde.

I squeezed Netsu's hand he looked at me and nodded, knowing full well what I was going to do.

"Kitsune 8 tails"

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