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*** Netsu pov ***

Today is the big day!
"What if she doesn't want to go through with it? What if I'm a shitty husband?
What if I can't have babies?
What if I bore her? Like I'm just Netsu, I'm nothing special"

"Would you stop it! My brat loves you more than anything! Stop acting like a pussy and calm the hell down!"
Bakugo demanded.

"You're right Y/n doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do"
I replied calming down well trying, Mike handed me a flask and I took a huge gulp.

"You will be fine, from the moment she met you she fell for you, you have nothing to worry about"
My cousin was doing his best and he did know her longer than me so he was an expert on her as well.

"Right let's head out its time"
Kiri said while holding back his tears, we all walked out of the room to stand on the stage we were to be married on, my grandfather already up there ready, we decided to get married in the gardens at his house, it's our place.

"Right shes having a bit of a melt down, Mitsuki is trying to calm her but I think she needs her Dad life five minutes ago Kiri can handle all of this"
Ochaco came out to tell us, I started to freak out, was she getting cold feet.

"Don't you dare start to freak Kid"
He said as he left his pace fast towards his daughter, my almost wife.

I stood there fidgeting with my cuff links.

"She wouldn't back out Netsu you know that"
Gramps stated with a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to him and he was smiling, I nodded and fixed myself up again when the music started.

Toshi and Toga walked out looking stunning they were followed by Ochaco and Mitsuki they made their way up to the side of the stage and then everyone rose to their feet as the music changed.

She was stunning, her blonde hair let down some untameable strands spiking out like her fathers and grandmothers, I didn't even know I was crying until Kirishima passed me a tissue, wiping my face before putting it in my pocket as the most beautiful woman on the planet approached, we all noticed the tears Bakugo was wiping away.

Bakugo walked her up to me I noticed her ears flicking she was anxious, I could tell even without being in her head partially, Bakugo handed her hand to me and stood next to Kirishima.

"We are all here today at very short notice to see these two married, Netsu and Y/n, I don't think I could think up a more perfect pair, the love and devotion these two have for each other is life changing to witness, I cannot explain how having them choose me to marry them feels but it is my greatest honour"
Gramps sniffed back a tear before getting on with it.

"Netsu, Y/n any one who knows you know how deep your love runs for each other and I know you will uphold the promises you make today, the couple have prepared their own vowels"
He said and looked at me to start.

"I Netsu Todoroki, promise to serve and protect you Y/n Bakugo emotionally and physically, I will never see you as less than my equal, you are my twin flame, I promise to never let that flame dim, you are my strength of body and mind, and a pain in my ass but I promise I will always be yours, in sickness and health, near death experiences and every explosive bakugo family outburst"
She was smirking at me and took a deep breath before talking.

"I Y/n Bakugo Promise to you Netsu Todoroki that I will serve and protect, challenge and push you further, I promise that from this day and the rest of my days I am yours, I promise that when we are grey and old I will still love you like I do right now in this moment, I promise to stand for you and by your side, always, I will be both your shield and sword, you warm embrace and warm smile, my twin flame"

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