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*** Bakugo pov ***

The kid stuttered, it couldn't be! Did the brat? Did she do this? I was so fucking confused all I knew is this dude appeared, Y/n has lost a tail and is unconscious.

He nodded and looked behind us at the lounge and placed Y/n down gently before turning to Netsu and hugged him, he was healed there were no more scars he looked unburdened.

I walked off into my office to make a few calls.

**ring ring**
"Hey Icyhot, something's happened here at the UA agency and I need you and your family here"

"What's happened is everyone ok?"

"Yeah, maybe just get here now!!"

I called crazy pants to get her butt down here ASAP she was already on her way with coffee to Y/n.

I hung up and called Aizawa letting him know what was happening and that Kirishima and I wouldn't be back to our classes anytime soon.
We waited and waiting for Y/n to wake up she had stirred a bit so it was clear now she was sleeping.

She whimpered, I ran to her side and she pulled me down to sit and crawled up on my lap like she used to do when she was a little kid, I held her as she settled back to sleep, her knuckles white with how hard she had gripped onto the fabric of my shirt.

After about 20 minutes the Icyhot squad arrived with the old man stomping in before everyone else.

"What's going on? What's wrong with Young Bakugo?....... Toya? It can't be?"
Endeavor was shocked, I knew a bit of the history so understood why he didn't move closer.

"Toya is... is it really?"
Rei said stepping towards the man who looks like her dead son.

"Yeah it is Mom, I don't know how but that girl brought me back, I, I was sleeping and then I was here and I was better"
He replied pulling his mother into his arms I was not matching endeavor, did Y/n really bring him back? How?

Icyhot turned to me I could see the confused look on his face out of the corner of my vision, I had no idea, I gathered she gave a tail to bring him back but how did she bring him back?.

"Will she be ok?"
The resurrected man asked me I pulled my gaze from my daughter to look at him.

"I think so, Netsu why don't you take your family into the meeting room? I'll get her in a bed and"
I said I needed time to process and they needed to come to terms with the possibility that Toya is back.

"And I'll bring refreshments"
Kirishima added I nodded at him and he headed to the staff kitchen the others made their way to the meeting room being led by Netsu who looked spaced as fuck right now and still very very worried about Y/n he was hesitant to have much distance between them.

I stood up and carried Y/n to the beds and sat next to her for a while to make sure she was settled, I got up to go see the fall out from all this when she stirred.

"Dad, my head hurts"
Her voice was weak, I went back to her I felt her forehead and she was her normal high temp but her skin was clammy, I got her some water and she sat to take the water.

"Y/n do you know what's been going on?"
I asked her, she seemed very out of it, she looked incredibly confused.

"I remember what I did, I was having a pan attack and lost it, I could feel pain and suffering and then I heard a man talking he needed my help, I say him, I felt him in my flames and my body i know that sounds weird but he was there and then all I could see was black and then the man appeared he looked just like Netsu and then I held my hand out to him and that's all I remember"
She explained swinging around to face off the side of the bed before getting up.
"Where is Netsu? Is he ok?!?"

She started to freak, this whole thing has really fucking jolted her, I have never seen her afraid like this I hated it, my little girl was going though trail after trial more intense than Deku or I have gone through, is it finally breaking her?

"He's fine baby girl, he's ok, you're ok I need you to calm down I'll take you to him"
I pulled her into my chest. She wrapped her arms around me and calmed down a bit. She was still on edge.

We walked into the the meeting room and all eyes turned to Y/n and her ears flicked down flush against her head and her tails flung around her almost like a shield, Netsu walked up to her she dove into his arms Netsu looked at e and mouthed 'is she ok?'
I shrugged and slightly shook my head I had no idea if she was.

She looked at him, her eyes big and curious at his questioning tone.
"You brought my Dad back, completely healed and his flames don't hurt him anymore his quirk isn't as strong but he's alive, How?"

"I don't know but I feel his quirk in my flames, did I steal it?"
She looked at her hand and three coloured flames danced around in her palm, Yellow, purple and blue.

"Maybe it was payment for bringing me back"
Toya added with a laugh.

"Hey I got more snacks"
Kirishima came into the room and scared the shit out of Y/n who lit up in flames and was currently hovering luckily everything around here is made element proof for the most part.

"Whoa sorry Y/n, you ok? You're never jumpy"
Kirishima started looking at her once she had calmed down and then looking to me he was just as worried as I was and we both noticed the look on Endeavors face, he knew she was fearless to see her turned to a meek explosive was alarming as fuck.

"I.... I don't know I feel like I'm.. I'm different"
She answered unsure on how to form her reply.

"I'm sure you'll be back to normal soon firecracker"
He said with a pat to the head which she flinched at, that broke me and Kirishima, he walked back to me and I held his hand giving it a squeeze he squeezed back hopefully she would return to normal soon.

"Hey where is she, OH FOXY YOU'RE OK!!! WHAT THE??? DABI!!???"
Toga came in screaming, her brain jolting from here to there by the looks of it until she sighted the elephant in the room.

"Hey Mum yeah I'm ok just a little off, but looks like I um resurrected him, I just woke up so I'm hoping we can work out what happened, I.. "
I saw the tears well up before Y/n pulled herself into her mother's embrace.

"Young Bakugo when you're ready I think we old all like to figure out how you did this and why you are now acting like a skittish little kit"
Endeavor stood and spoke she flinched and turned to face him.

Kirishima and I looked at each other, that was exactly it! When she was little and would get exhausted she wouldn't go feral but take on more animalistic behaviours, I laughed and left the room, returning with a blanket I dragged Y/n to sit down and I dropped the blanket over her head essentially hiding her.

"I thought i was over this stupid issue!"
She seethed from under the plush cover.

"Apparently not Brat"
I replied and looked at the people in the room looking for an explanation, but we had bigger issues now.

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