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***Y/n pov***

We walked into the room where we heard the females voice come from and seen my mother and Twice sitting together Netsu grabbed onto my hand giving it a slight squeeze as we approached the pair.

"You've done a great job with her Bakugo, She's strong just like you"
Mum started when she seen who had accompanied into the building and the room.

"Why are you here?"
Dad asked with quite a bit of venom in his voice.

"I've always been close by, Making sure I threw them off every time they got close, it was the least I could do" yeah right i thought as mum spoke again.

"And you how do you fit into all of this?"
Aizawa asked twice who was fiddling with a hole in his suit.

"I made clones when needed to get the league off the trail, made it easy that foxy here has the same temperament as flame brain and they never suspected it could of been Bakugo that ended up getting down n dirty with a villain"
Did they both really go to all this trouble for me?

"It was all good until I was caught by Dabi at the hospital, it was late at night so I didn't think I'd have to hide my Identity he was looking for records of his own kid but was more than pissed when he found that all records said that child died"
Mum spoke as she looked at Netsu and smirked.
"You look more like your grandfather than your father anyway"

Both Netsu and I bristled at the addition that they knew who he was, they wouldn't turn him in, I'm sure of it, instinctively I stood in front of him and my mum chuckled a little.

"Don't worry we have no need or want to lag him in, especially if he's close to you, I've spent all this time protecting you I'm not going to just rip him away and hurt you Y/n either will Jin, perfect world Jin would be your godfather, he's watched over you just as much as me and earnt him more than a few scars, me too"
She wasn't lying i could tell that much but there was still something she wasn't telling us.

"What do you mean?"
Dad questioned or demanded I'm not too sure.

"You don't think any crime would go after the Daughter of the great Bakugo?"
Twice answered with a tone to his voice like he should have known I couldn't have gone along this long without incident being the daughter of a pro hero as well known as Dad was.

"How have you done this without raising suspicions with the league?"
Aizawa asked not really believing them.

"Well eraserhead buddy, we are government goons, one day we tripped up and got taken in, they held foxy as leverage saying they would keep her safe and her mother's Identity hidden to get our help and that's that we signed up got tatted up with a UV QR code and started or lives as double agents"
Twice informed us I was still to say anything still incredibly confused but happy that it seemed they were at least on the way to be vigilantes or antiheroes that was a good thing wasn't it?

Mum was staring at me and all I wanted to do was cry and hug her, she was my mum, yes she left but she left for me, she's protected me and possibly Dad, Kiri and Netsu but would Dad be mad? He surprised me when he nudged me towards her, he didn't look at me but nodded towards my mother we both caught on and ran to each other.

"I'm so sorry Kit, I wish I didn't have to leave you back then, but Shig already had plans to experiment on you while I was still pregnant so I had to run and then pretend I lost you, I'm not the teen I was back then I see him for who he is now and that's not a life I'd ever want for someone destined to be a great hero"

All I could do was cry, I thought I'd be mad, furious if I ever met my mum but I couldn't be right now not listening to her side, I clung to her fearing this was a really bad dream that would all be ripped from me when I woke up.

"What about the house Mr. Bakugo? I know Y/n did some damage getting us out I doubt after you and the other Pros got there that you all managed to not tear the rest down"

"Cheeky shit! Yeah it's gone, we will have to shack up with my parents for a while until we can rebuild or move."
I overheard Dad's conversation with Netsu and felt a pang in my chest, my home was gone.

"Well there is that old house still at the school, with all these issues with the league it would possibly be safer and Netsu and Y/n will be in the pairing houses next to those" Aizawa butt in to their conversation.
"And If you really are government lackies you can get clearance to stay there too I'd assume your cover is now blown and we could use someone with knowledge but I will have you constantly monitored"

"If Kit and Bakugo are ok with that I won't stay where I'm not wanted"
Mum said looking towards dad and then to me, I nodded and then looked to dad who gave a quick nod.

"Sure thing None for all!....... You sure Eraserhead?"
Twice said in two tones of voice, I couldn't help but chuckle at his name for Aizawa, I knew his head was split but seeing it in person is totally different.

"We should get out of here anyway"
Dad said looking down towards his phone.
"Kirishima's awake now he's at the school, Oi old man is it ok if we stay in the nurses station tonight before figuring out how the housing will work?"

"Yeah yeah but I won't be able to get crazy one and two in till tomorrow midday at the latest"

"That's fine Eraserhead we have somewhere we can stay tonight anyway, I'll see you tomorrow my little Kit"
Mum kissed me on the forehead before helping twice up and out of the building while Aizawa, dad, Netsu and myself made our way to the school via a taxi.

"Hey kid you ok?"
Dad asked rubbing my arm.

"Yeah I'm just, I don't know I thought I'd want to rip her head off or incinerate her but she came to save us at the house and I believe she's always been watching"
I replied and laid my head on his shoulder he turned kissing my head.

"I thought I'd want to kill her too but I agree they weren't lying"
I nodded and snuggled into dads side while I held Netsu's hand.

"I'm glad she wanted what's best for you Y/n"
Netsu said with a bitter undertone.

"Don't think about it too much Kid family doesn't end with blood, and you have us, Me, Kiri, the brat and I'm sure the others will look out for you just the same, pus if the old hag thinks you'll give her great grand babies she won't let you get away"

Poor Netsu same joke twice in one day he chuckled and squeezed my hand again as a thank you.

"You'll always have us Netsu always"
I added looking to see a content look on his face, I wouldn't let him feel alone ever again.

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