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*** Y/n pov ***

"We can explain that later for now I think it's best we work out how the Brat brought him back and why he isn't all murder murder burn burn!!"
Dad started as I snuggled in my portable safe space,

"I think I have an idea, it's a long shot but an idea"
Netsu began to speak and he giggled a little at the blanket shifted to face him.

"Well go on then"
I said from under my soft fortress.

"Yeah right, Y/n when you fought him you absorbed his flames yeah?" I nodded enough for the blanket to move with my movement "maybe you stored up an essence of his being and I don't know somehow that was enough for you to sacrifice one of your tails or lives whatever when you started to lose it about the ceremony"
I nodded it sounded like a reach but it was the best anyone came up with so far.

"That would explain why I felt like I was just asleep for the last week and then I'm awake you lot tell me I was dead"
Pyro zombie added

"Wait so you've been in...."
The mystic blanket spoke.

"There's no way you can say that without sounding creepy babe"
Netsu added with an awkward chuckle.

"Agreed but yes I think that's the case then I was surrounded by fire and then you were there holding out your hand to me and then I was in the room back there and you were unconscious."
He said as he looked at me I could only tell because his entire body was facing towards me.

"But you were or are a villain you've killed a heap of people you tried to kill your son!!"
I started getting mad everyone was ok this this I brought a villain back to life!

Dad yelled before I kept going also holding me down while I attempted to stand.

"No why the hell would I bring Dabi back!! He hurt Netsu!!! How are you all ok with this?! Ican't I don't understand!"
I said more to myself this was all so fucking confusing!!!

"Yes Dabi did but honestly I think you I don't know purified him or something as teen drama as this all sounds he is Toya"
Natsuo spoke up I looked at him but held back from saying anything back.

"I promise I don't hold any I'll will when I was in that place I lost all my anger it felt like forever I was made to watch everything I had done, I swear I'm not that person anymore"
He just had to talk not even a week ago I killed him because of what he did and now that same voice is speaking like it never happened! Those eyes.

"I don't buy it!!! Anyone who can go after their own kid......."
I started my body heating up Netsu pulled off the blanket before I melted another one.

Dad held me back from flying over the table I was so mad I didn't know why, something was wrong with me!

Netsu pulled me into him while I caught Dad holding a burnt hand, I hurt him I didn't mean to.

"Netsu I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm just in angry o don't know why I'm like this I should be happy your dad is back I want to be"
I said softly I was agitated and mad I hated this I feel like I'm about to fucking explode.

"It's the effects of your overuse firecracker you haven't felt it in a while that's possibly why your mad, you never liked being around people when you got like this"
Kiri spoke up as he was tending to Dad's hand, Dad just looked at me and nodded.

"Maybe we stop for now and let Bakugo recover from the events today, Rei and Fiyumi made a lot of food so you can have dinner with us at the manor"
Enji said, looking at me with kind eyes.

"Can we go there now? I'd like to sit in the gardens if that's ok?"
I asked, I did like sitting near the koi pond, Enji Netsu and I helped get it back to top condition in our second year as a test of skill.

"Of course Y/n we will meet you there"
Enji replied using my first name he only ever did it on rare occasions when his guard was down and right now he would have to be even more conflicted than me.

"Do you want me to come with you babe?"
He asked lifting my chin so I was facing him.

"No go with your dad you two have a lot to catch up on, I'll be fine"
I shook my head while answering him.

"You're not fine but do you WANT me to come with you?"
I pushed emphasis on the want and I did want him too I felt better with him, I was scared, angry, hungry and tired and borderlining feral right now my silence was enough and he called back and let the others know he was coming with me.

Everyone started to leave Netsu said goodbye to his dad informing them that we wouldn't be wrong I went over to my own father sheepishly clasping onto him with my claws to heal him earning myself a hefty donk on the head for surprising him.

Mum soon came over to check over me and told me she would see me later before going to leave.

"Toga I think it would be good if you came with us, I saw the way you looked at Toya and how he looked at you"
Netsu said grabbing onto her arm before she had the chance to run off.

"Oh no that was nothing, I'll just"
She fumbled to find something to say to Netsu and looked at me desperately to get him to let her go.

"You're a shorty liar crazy pants, I see that look enough from the brat when she looks at the kid or looks at food"
Dad added I blushed and so did mum the three guys just chuckled well actually full on laughed at us.

I shouted.

"And here we thought she looked just like you Bakugo, I think she's on par with Toga right now"
Kirishima added laughing walking past ruffling both mine and mums hair as he left the room.

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