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We got to the agency and it was all battle stations they were after pairings and there was quite a few now attending UA, kids were scared heck I was scared Dad was even scared.

"Oi you lot, here"
Dad called out from his office, we walked over and his room was full of pros, this was super serious there was an nationwide attempt of pairs, a fail attempt but still.

"Hi to you too Dad"
I grouches back, I was passed at everything, and it was beginning to show.

"Thanks for keeping an eye on her D...Toya"
Dad said to the ex evil Todoroki.

"No worries Bakugo"
He said shyly before turning to leave I grabbed his arm making him stay.

"Well now awkward politenesses out of the way what's the plan? How are we dealing with this, honestly we should just go in and rip them apart kill the lot, I'm over them there's more of us"
I said they had come for me and Netsu! Friends innocent kids.

"We can't that's not the hero way"
Deku replied, I knew my attitude would upset him but us heroes needed to step it up.

"Then maybe I'm done being a hero then! They won't stop it's time to put them down"
I said back looking directly at him and I saw the pain my reply brought all of heroes who watched me grow up.

"Netsu has she over used?"
Dad barked at my fiancé which pissed me off like he was ignoring me.

"No I haven't fucking over used Dad!!! Heroes again and again give the benefit they value life what if those villains lives are of no value to society to the innocent maybe something needs to change"
I kept going the looks I got were varied from shock to mild agreement.

"Babe you can't be serious?!"
Netsu said grabbing my hand looking over me as if he would find a brain melting slug.

"Yes I am, they have no issue taking life so why should I?"
I replied and then he gave me a look that broke my heart.

"I kind of agree with her"
Toya spoke up I knew he of all people would see things my way.

"Dad no, we can't"
Netsu shot back his grip on my hands was beguiling to hurt.

"It's true, they won't stop killing maybe we need to take them out"
Toya added removing Netsu's hands from home to show the marks he had left.

The atmosphere was tense real tense I 100% felt this was the only way, they continued to talk about crap while we could take the fight to them, take them out before anyone else gets hurt.

"Maybe we should take Y/n's idea into consideration maybe it's time to make an example of them"
Deku offered the idea and all of us were shocked, the room went silent as we stood contemplating.

"Really honey you think that's our only option"
Ochaco asked looking worryingly at her husband.

"Not the only option but it will save us a lot of issues down the track, but we can't play all our cards at once we need to be select"
Deku replied to his wife looking at Dad.

"No fucking way she isn't going"
Dad shouted obviously talking about me and I tried... boy did I try keep my cool but I couldn't.

"Dad you raised to be a hero now let me do it!!! I could take them out myself you know I can but if Deku wants a team to go in, I will be part of it, I don't need permission from anyone"
I ranted and his expression changed from concern to pride he obviously hated the idea but he was glad I was as strong willed of not more so than himself.

"No, no you don't but if your going so am I"
He said defeated.

"Me too babe, thick and thin right"
Netsu said hands on my shoulders now I had my rant he knew I was going with or without help.

"Will you come too Toya?"
Deku asked.

"Nah not on this one, I'm not strong enough and I think me not being there will be best"
True I had spoken to him and I may or may not have stolen a lot of his quirk when I brought him back.

"You'll be on surveillance and coms Toya, let's us know if anything changes"
Dad ordered I was surprised but Toya had gained my trust so I guess he followed suit.

"Sure thing"
He nodded happy to help.

We planned and set out to contact who we needed to the teams were assembled and everyone had a job.

Assault team was Netsu, myself, Dad, Kiri , Deku, Shoto, Shinzo and Yo Shindo some pro I hadn't met but had an impressive quirk.

Surveillance team was Ochaco, Mum, Tenya Hawks due to the fact he was known to Shigaraki.

Everyone else on board was on stand by and clean up, we had a week to do this and I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip, I was going to end the league once and for all.


It was the day everyone was ready, Hawks had given us all a feather so we could somehow communicate if the coms went out Netsu was chatting with his dad and I was getting worked up stretched out Dad was on edge. I walked over to him and Kiri while I geared up and helped them with straps and fiddly bits.

"Brat I swear if you die"
Dad said the crack in his voice killing me.

"I won't dad no one on our side will, the bad guys won't get a chance, but if I need to go all out you all need to get out and I'll send the lot to hell ok, I need to to treat me like any other pro out there"
I needed him to trust in me, and not pull the dad card we couldn't afford for him to blow this.

"But you not just any pro, you're my daughter"
He shot back while giving me a hug, they're beginning to happen more often.... old mans going soft.

"Exactly so you know I won't lose"
I said back with a sly grin.

"She's got ya there Bakugo"
Kiri added before pulling me into a hug.

"Be careful kid, we can't lose you"
He whispered.

"Right we will be heading to the point within the hour, everyone knows the plan? If things get bad get out and Kitsune and myself will handle it, worst case Kitsune will incinerate the area"
Deku said from the front of the room, I walked towards Netsu grabbing his hand and dragging him towards one of the temp bedrooms locking the door.

I jumped up on him and luckily he caught me and the mad making out session started.

"I wanna do it now, in case we don't make it out of this" I said kissing his neck earning delicious groans from him.

"Wh.... you sure? Thanks for the vote of confidence too babe"
He asked and joked somehow he made an irresistible mix of nervous and smart arse.

I kissed him passionately to answer him and he kissed back with the same emotion, soon I was on top of him on the bed fiddling with straps and zips eventually there was enough clothes off.

"Oi brat it's ti.... omfg what omfg the fuck!!!! Shit the locks brokennnnnnnn um bye"
Dad called out he had barged in to see us doing things a father shouldn't see, I don't think Netsu and I have ever gotten dressed so quick.


He had slammed the door that hard it came loose at the hinges Metsu and I were lovely shades of red after that.

We went out to the main area to see a very red face matching ours with Kirishima teasing him about being a cock block we all piled into cars ready to go I think I'd rather die on mission than deal with this embarrassment!!!!

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