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There was only 3 days until school started and you got the all good from the doctors, you were still a bit sore but that wasn't surprising considu you went toe to toe with Deku!.

"Dad can you or Kiri take me and my followers to the arcade?"

You asked near falling back over the arm or the couch.

"Followers.... Your sounding like your dad did back when we were at UA"

Kiri butted in having a good chuckle about your dad back in high school.

"Well I had to come up with something so I'm not just the 3rd wheel!" You pout and screw your face up at the red head.

"Well how about bakusquad 2.0? Seeing as you're my kid and will be the best just like I was!" Your dad added.

"Dude you hated us being your bakusquad!"

Kirishima a bit put out.

"Haha I like that... Bakusquad I'm so changing our group chat to that!!" You ran to get your phone to change the name and let your besties know that you'll start school as the Bakusquad soon to be the big three!

"Hey brat, we will take you and the others to the arcade" Bakugo came into your room letting you know, to say you were stunned was an understatement.

"Both of you? But whos working you both can't be gone the whole day just for me!!!!"

"I can if I want, it's my damn agency!"

You ran and hugged your Dad it was rare he got to join in on family stuff it was usually you and Kiri.

"It'll be like an actual family trip!"

You were too excited to notice your dad blush slightly at the thought that he was happy with his perfect boyfriend and even more perfect daughter.

You ran back to your phone to let your friends know that you had a ride and supervision for the arcade trip.


"Your Dad and Kiri look really happy"

Mika commented looking at the two men enjoying the company of each other and getting way too into the competitive games.

"They really do I'm so glad he finally let Kiri in, it wasn't like the guys been so I love with him since forever and her literally stuck around waiting for my dad to grow a pair"

A cheeky grin on your face watching the love birds on a fighting game.

"Mika wanna get some photos at the photo booth?" Toshi asked and then looked at you with a sad look in her eyes.

"Hey don't give me that go have fun! Do couple stuff, that's an order miss Toshi!!!"

And with that your besti dragged Mika off to the photo booth.

You wandered around waiting to have a go at the claw machines with the cuter plushies in them.

Finally it was your turn and you had your eye on the bunny dressed as Deku.

"God damn stupid rigged machine!!!!!!"

You spat frustrated that you still hadn't gotten your prize after 15 minutes.

"Hey let me get that for you".

A smooth voice came from behind you you slowly turned around and got stuck in two cerulean eyes both of you frozen.

You finally came back to reality and stepped aside still flustered.

The boy stood forward still in his own daze as he scanned his arcade card and attempted to win you the Deku plush.

You couldn't help but take in the view, he was tall and skinny but not to skinny with red hair and that bad boy spike that you were always a fan of. He had his own style it wasn't bad at all but definitely not mainstream.

"Can we make a deal?"

They boy called out while still focused on winning the toy.

"Huh? Deal? Umm... tell me the deal and I'll either accept or deny I guess."

You ended that with a shy chuckle.

"If I win the Deku bunny... umm.. ahh get it!... Sorry.... You'll let me take you on a date."

"Ummm I'm sorry a what?"

"A date or coffee or bubble tea, it's just your stunning and I you seem like fun and you have spunk"

"Hahaha um I guess but I don't even know your name, or age, or anything"

"Names Netsu, I'm 16 and you can find out more on the date" as he said that the plush landed in the prize shoot.

"Well I guess you better give me your number then" you held out your phone to the mysterious boy he took it and quickly added his number and handed it back to you.

"Oh and what's your name?" He said nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Hah oh it's Y/n"

You said smiling like the good ball you are.

"So you starting school next week?"

You continued the conversation for the soul purpose of starting at those eyes.

"Yeah actually I start at UA."

"Omg me too!!! I'm in the hero course!"

"Hah really so am I! I hope we end up in the same classes... wait that's too eager sorry just your cute and I've seen you here a few times and your always happy and cool... I'm sorry again.."

"Don't worry about it, but don't think I'll let you butter me up! Me and my besties are going to be top of the class!"

"I think I'd be happy to be your side kick haha well I better go I need to make tea and all that, I see you at school I guess bye Y/n"

**Bakugo pov**

"Hey Kirishima you seen Y/n?"

"Yeah claw machines"

"Right I'll be back"

I walked over towards the claw machines hoping she hadn't put her foot through one like last time. As I got around the corner I seen a tall boy with red hair hand a Deku plus to Y/n.

I watched on to see what was going to and step in if the man got pushy, they talked for a bit and then he left, Y/n watched him leave and turned back and looked at her new Deku merch and smiled with a blush.

"Oi brat you found a boyfriend?"

I called out watching her face match Kirishimas hair.

"No!! But he asked me on a date and he's in the hero course too."

She replied happy but awkwardly.

"What you have a date??" Toshi jumped on Y/n asking a million questions.

"You've really don't a personality 180 since hanging with my brat haven't you" I asked the small green eyed girl.

She just nodded sporting a goofy grin.

"Hey guys it's getting late we should get these two home before we train tonight." Kiri came back holding a bubble tea for everyone to have in the car.

**Normal pov**

After dropping off Mika and Toshi you three finally got home and ate before being made to do general working out before collapsing on your bed, you thought of the cute redhead and chuckled. Me and dad have the same taste in men. Wasn't long after that you ended up falling sleep.

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