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I was feeling so fat and gross, whoever said pregnancy feels amazing lied!!
I was walking around the manor with Enji, just chatting, I needed to move around and Rei was painting the nursery with Mom and Touya. Netsu was out working with Dad, so Enji was stuck with me.

Never got to have my baby shower either because I was in hospital with dehydration and anemia and have been put on bedrest and this was my daily stroll around the house, I felt like I was prison, pregnancy purgatory.

"Do you think you'll be too much longer?"
Enji asked, while helping me down the stairs into the garden to sit on a bench.

"Honestly no, i've been getting pains and Rei said it can feel like that a little while before real labour starts, I'm hoping it soon I do not like pregnancy"
I said hopeful that soon my baby would be in my arms and now my belly.

"I don't know how you women do it, it amazes me"
He admitted he had expressed a few times he wasn't an attentive husband.

"Its amazed me too, but I'm always miserable right now, I can't do anything for myself, everything hurts, I feel sick, I'm hungry but can't eat, I can't sleep"
I admitted starting to get teary, I hated feeling like this, I was blessed but I was tired in every way.

"So I take it you're only going to have one?"
Enji said with a chuckle, sitting besides me, he has been so helpful and looks after me while Netsu is at work, he is being a great father, husband, grandfather and he is so excited to be a great grandfather.

"Possibly hahaha I dont think Netsu would survive another, I'm so angry at him all the time, but I don't mean it"
I said as my husband and Dads walked in the house Netsu making a beeline to me, I stood up to hug him but he was covered in dust, causing me to sneeze.

I said holding my belly.

"You ok?"
Netsu asked, not having the slightest idea what just happened.

"I'll get the bags.... IT'S BABY TIME!!!"
Enji boomed and everyone started to run around.

"Oh shit your waters, I'll take you to the car"
Netsu said helping me towards the garage, getting inside I started to get contractions, they hurt like a bitch.

"Netsu, I'm scared"
I said trying to breathe through the pain.

"You're scared I'm shitting myself!!"
He said trying to joke, I glared at him and he stopped trying to be funny, I think he knew the thin ice he was on after getting me the wrong yoghurt this morning.

"Ahhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck"
I cursed each time a contraction happened, it felt like my womb was a black hole pulling everything in.

Eventually I got to a car and Enji drove us to the hospital with a whole convoy behind, getting to emergency Enji hoisted me up carrying me, I was laughing the man was pale as a ghost but was determined to get me to the maternity ward.

"Hi Kitsune, we have a room set up, you're father called us, you went into active labour 20 minutes ago?"
The nurse asked, smiling at me in Enji's arms, he was fussing, he always fussed, I think making up for missing out on the other pregnancies in his family.

"Yes but the contractions are strong and frequent"
I replied before another one hit me.

She led us to a room and Enji placed me down on the bed and the nurses started to check me out and make sure it was all going well.

"Now you seem to be going along smoothly, but we can't have everyone in here, you can have three"
The nurse said trying to be as sensitive as she could but she had a job to do.

"Mitsuki just got here"
Rei informed us, I saw Enji look at me, he came over and kissed my forehead.

"I'll go get her and tell her to come in"
He said knowing I would want her here along with Netsu and my Dad.

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