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*** Allt pov ***

Misaki had to go into surgery to fix up what Miss Recovery couldn't on site she would then be moved to a private from thanks to her Dad's influence and the severity of the injuries, Once Bakugo and the rest of the group arrived they were met by a nurse telling them to grab something to eat from the cafeteria on the 6th floor while they set Misaki up in her room and bring in the necessary equipment.

Kirishima finally pulled Bakugo away to go get some food, the general mood was sombre Toshi was beside herself with worry letting go of a few sobs while Mika was silent holding her hand both of them scared to lose their best friend, Bakugo was the last to grab some food not really hungry but glad he had a small distraction he also grabbed some for Misaki to take to her room.

He was silent the whole time knowing any word or focus broken from keeping it together would ruin the false composure he tried to maintain, The group started making their way to the elevator when a voice came over the hospitals PA system.


Realising it was Misaki's room Bakugo sprinted to the stairwell forgoing the wait for the elevator, the rest of the group took a few seconds before they bolted following after Katsuki, when they got the hall that lead to your room they seen an off putting sight.

Bakugo against the wall adjacent to your room knees to chest tears streaming while doctors and nurses run into the room in efforts to bring the hero's daughter back.

Deku bravely went over to his frienemy.

"K.. Kacchan I...
He was cut off.

"This.... This is all my fucking fault... I... pushed her to fucking far.... I urged you to go harder I fucked up..... I did this to her now..... now she's going to..... going to..... FUCK!!!!"
Bakugo was breaking words coming out shaky and cracking under the weight of his emotions. He was terrified.

"No she won't! Kacchan we may be the heroes out there, but here they're the heroes she will be ok"
Deku placed a reassuring hand on Bakugo's shoulder only to have a mess of a blonde take him in a hug.

"I.... I can't lose her Izuku"
Bakugo choked out.

"You won't"
Deku replied holding the broken hero.

"Time of death"
Bakugo shot up eyes wide and his chest felt like it was going to implode under the stress of his emotions.

It took Kirishima, Deku and Shoto to hold him back as he watched the medical walk away from the girls lifeless body. Next thing there was another voice yelling it was Mika being held back by his mother.

Mika and the inconsolable Toshi were taken down the hall by their mothers both Momo and Uraraka, unable to handle an old friend in such indescribable pain.

"She's gone Eijiro!"
Bakugo near whispered as he clung to the red head.

"I'm the number 2 hero and I couldn't even save our girl, she's gone"
Kirishima had nothing to say or couldn't say due to him holding it together as much as he could for Bakugo this one time he wasn't a complete mess, Bakugo made his way to the side of Misaki's bed giving her one last hug while his tears turned to cries of pure pain his soul was destroyed, Izuku was beside himself he had killed Kacchans daughter the realisation hit him like a truck.

___vending machine 2nd floor East wing___

Aizawa came up the lift to finish the report and hand a copy in to have on Misaki's file when he saw his former students holding their crying children while crying themselves, Aizawa knew the worst possibly outcome had happened.

"What happened? Is Bakugo ok?"
Aizawa asked with more urgency than tact he needed to know.

"Oh hi Mr Aizawa no... no she's not she.... She just passed away"
Momo managed to choke out.

"No no no no"
He ran around to her room and seen three pros standing in the hall crying they didn't notice him and once he could see in, the scene tore him to shreds, Katsuki Bakugo audibly crying grabbing on to his child's  lifeless body. Aizawa's eyes welled up knowing he had a part in her death seeing the forever proud and strong Bakugo broken and hurt struck him more than he would admit.

"Ummm sir her body is heating up...."
A nurse said to the doctor that stayed back to thake final measures promptly but not before Kirishima made his way into the room.


Eijiro looked to the doctor who stood astounded.

"Fucking hell Saki!!! Baby...."
Bakugo started to squeeze his little girl tighter his ear to her chest, he could start to hear her heart beat again.

"Her vitals are all coming back to a stable range"
The doctor couldn't believe it.

"Mr Bakugo sir, what is her quirk?"
The doctor asked. Kirishima jumped in to answer giving Bakugo this moment.

"It's an explosion type like her father with a healing aspect we think from her mothers side, we trained for her to use it in the form of a 9 tail fox so she could control it"
Kirishima began to rattle on.

"Hmmmm I see well if your ok with it I'd like to run some tests to see his her quirk hasn't mutated into something that would explain what's happening"
Both Kirishima nodded while the doctor left.

"While her vitals are strong I don't have high hopes for her regaining consciousness for a while longer but I will allow visitors in but if needed I will have to ask you all to leave, ok?"
The doctor didn't want to give false hope but he himself the hopeful Misaki would pull through she was fighting so hard.

"Thank you"
Kirishima spoke for the pair.

"Guys she's alive!!!"
A crying mess of a Kirishima said re-entering the hall way.
"I'll go tell the kids Momo and Ochaco"

Aizawa looked at Izuku and gave a nod Izuku returning the gesture as some of the guilt lifted. They all came in to see Misaki while she laid there activity spiking each time someone was loud or they touched her. It came time for visitors to leave as it was late and life goes on. They all have jobs Ochaco did call up and got her hubby a few days off.
Before they left Mika walked up to Misaki holding her hand.

"I'm sorry for calling you a liar but you better wake up soon so we can start at UA together me you and Toshi!"
He then gave her a kiss on the hand and then the forehead and left with the group.

"Hi sir I'm sorry but only immediate family can stay outside of visiting hours"
A nurse came in not knowing the situation she urged for Eijiro to leave.

"He stays he's her fucking Dad too!"
Bakugo said sternly holding on to Kirishima's hand.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise"
The nurse bowed and took vitals before setting up the bed and sofa for Bakugo and now Kirishima to sleep on. Both hoping they could see two beautiful Ruby eyes staring back at them tomorrow.

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