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*** your POV ***

"Wow that's huge, guess that's where I got my blood related quirk from"

"How do you know about her quirk?"
He asked a bit shocked.

"I had to do a report on a significant event in hero history last year so I picked when you got kidnapped, hoping to get some extra points for my dad being involved"

"Thanks kid for dragging that out?"

"The teacher likes my take on it! So don't get pissy"

"What take was that brat"

"Young man destined to be the next number one hero never faulted in the face of the league of villains"

Dad just smirked and nodded, he didn't like it when it was brought up I knew he thought he was weak for being taken but I saw him as strong bye didn't back down at all there was definitely nothing weak about my dad I hope I could be half the hero he was.

*knock knock*

"Y/n you in there?" It was Korban he was in a huff which from what you knew was out of the ordinary for him to do anything that meant using what little energy he had "where's Aizawa? Rajin is picking a fight with Netsu on the roof"

"You've got to be kidding me", I ran out of the room and headed to the door to the outside dad following behind me I didn't know if my idea would work but I used my new flames getting them hot enough to stick to the walls plus my hover and ran up the walls dad blasting through the next to me.

I bolted in between them 8 tails and teeth bared ready to ounce on the electrodouche if he made another move, Kira did nothing but stay back vanishing out of nervousness, Rajin ignored me completely.

"Your nothing but a villain's spawn which means you'll turn out just like your dad! Your probably a spy! I should get rid of you right now, the kid of a villain pfft you can't be a hero"

This pissed me off to the max and before Dad or Netsu could grab me I had pinned him to the wall of the stairwell.

"And attacking classmates on a stupidly biased opinion is a trait of a hero? So what if he's the kid of a villain? You're the son of two pro heroes and you don't look like a hero at all right now your fried asswipe, your a pair and yet your ego has gotten in the way do you think Kira wants this conflict?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and it broke my concentration on the dickhead in front of me I think it was for myself and Netsu, we were both the kids of villains.

"Leave it Y/n his opinion doesn't matter"

I let go of the blondes shirt and walked off hand in hand with Netsu towards my dad by then Aizawa was there watching what was unfolding waiting for me to lose it like my dad would've as a kid.

I was still tensed up then I felt Netsu drape his arms arms over my shoulders.
"Chill Y/n it's fine"
He said softly in my ear, my shoulders let go of the anger I was holding on to.

*** Bakugo POV ***

I was shocked and a little pissed that he came up behind Y/n and held her like that but then I seen her relax and calm down which surprised me she's my kid after all and we do not calm down easily, he stood back once she had settled rubbing her arms and stepping back.

"How the hell did you manage to calm her down that quick?" I asked the boy.

Shrugging his shoulders he replied.
"I dunno I just felt like she needed some human contact to ground her again so that what I did"

"I'd assume that's apart of being a pairing"
Aizawa said looking like he was taking mental notes before asking what happened between the kids.

"Netsu was talking to me and I felt a sense of anger Shoto through me when Rajin came out here and then it started"
Kira had popped back up next to us and explained cutting Netsu off.

I got a text that the new sidekicks had arrived after patrol with reports so I had to leave I told the brat I'd talk to her after work.

"Hey kid why don't you come by for tea tonight? You can get a ride back with Kirishima and Y/n"
I asked holding back my pride.

"Umm if that's ok?"
He answered looking down shyly, good he's scared of me I thought to myself.

*** Y/n POV ***

"Sorry for causing a scene Mr.Aizawa"
I said bowing to my principal.

"I won't admit to this again but I think he needed to put in his place a bit and you didn't actually hurt him in anyway so no harm no foul, just don't make a habit of it" he replied ruffling my hair as he walked off.

I asked dad as he checked his phone.

"Yeah gotta get back I'll see you later"
He kissed me on the head.

"I'm proud of you kiddo, neither of you are villains" he said quietly before following his former teacher down into the building.

"Hey Y/n I'm really sorry I didn't step in..... I was afraid"

"It's fine Kira I'm sorry I got so mad, I didn't mean to scare you"

"No you didn't really it was all second hand from Rajin I think. he knew Netsu wouldn't do anything but your kind of a wild card" she said with a giggle, I like Kira she's a bit reserved but she is kind and non judgemental.

"Hey girls Aizawa said we can study in the room the rest of the day or we can head home for the rest of the day"

We nodded and all said in unison "home" we giggle I went over the the tall brooding boy looking out over the school.

"You coming we kind of have the rest of the day off we can go back to mine now, I'll call a cab"

"Yeah sure, we could just take the train?"

"Nah it'll take too long"

He nodded and followed me he held my hand and a spark went up my spine when he did, it was different to before but I shoved that feeling to the back of my mind, I called for a cab and we waited at the gates.

"Not going to lie, I'm glad we're a pairing Y/n, we're going to show everyone that no matter who your parents are you can be your own person!"

He didn't sound cocky or anything he spoke with so much conviction I know he would do what it took to prove he wasn't his dad I couldn't help but mentally chuckle at the similarities between him and a certain bicolored hair man I knew.

The cab arrived to take us back to mine, Nana was at the house picking up boxes to move back to their new house, she looked at us as we walked in we both said hi and I introduced Netsu to her she had her signature grin as she left turning to us.

"I'm not ready to be a great grandma so keep that in mind"

Not letting her get the better of me and seeing Netsu's already flustered look I couldn't resist stirring the pot more.

"Why not Nana if we start now we will have time to give you lots of great grandbabies"

Both of them paled hearing my words I tried to hold it in I burst out in a fit of laughter as my Nana joined in.

"You little shit, the poor boy looks like she's going to puke or faint, maybe both"

"I learnt from the best" sending a wink to the older woman before giving her a hug and a kiss and saying goodbye.

"Sorry about the Netsu I couldn't resist"

"Your such a shit stirrer, but I wouldn't mind kids in the future" he said stealing a kiss on the cheek I turned a magnificent shade of red, he started pissing himself laughing he got me back good.

"Your a dork Netsu!"

I said shoving him into the kitchen so we could get snacks, I opted for some carrot sticks and hummus sitting on the island bench pointing to where the snacks were he grabbed a packet of strawberry pocky.

"Don't let Dad know you ate them he may actually kill you"

"I have a feeling you won't let that happen"

My heart did some stupid fluttery crap when he said that, oh gosh this boy! I'm damned!.

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