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We were in the cars about to head off, when Kiri turned around to Netsu and I, I could see his face in the windows reflection.

"Not a word Kiri!! Not one single word"
I sneered at him, I didn't even want to turn towards the rest of the car's occupants.

"Was just going to say it's cosmic payback for when you walked in on me and Ba..."
Kiri continued this was an opportunity he couldn't pass up to pick on all of us.

"Not a word shitty hair!!!"
Dad said as he punched Kiri, the redhead expecting it had already activated his quirk.

"Geez ok ok"
Kiri said his hands waving in defence.

The rest of the trip was in silence, arriving a small way away from the location, the plan was for Deku and I to go in first followed but Netsu, Bakugo, Kiri, Shindo and Hitoshi in the back, Kirishima and Shindo were to protect Hitoshi while the rest would take out who we could.

I pulled Netsu to me giving him a big kiss, this was the boss level, end game and I wanted to not have regrets about this moment, yeah I may die a virgin but I had an epic love.

I pulled Dad and Kiri into a hug both of them kissing my head before kissing each other, I walked back over to Deku Holding his hand. He squeezed my hand in response before embraced me.

"We are all so proud of you Y/n"
He whispered before pulling back and nodding to the rest of the group it was go time.

Deku and I burst through the wall our combined efforts breaking down about 6 walls we flooded it making quick work of the peons Deku and I made our way up stairs to find Shigaraki but he found us first sending a rush of decaying power towards up we used our own quirks to dodge away I launched towards him and landed a flame charged hit to the face, he spat the blood in my direction.

"Shigaraki you're outnumbered, we've taken out your gang and you're next"
Deku called out starting to get in to the battle to come.

"Ha ha ha ha you think an incompetent child hero wanna be and the rip off symbol of peace can do anything? I'll kill you before you take me in"
The villain leader laughed out not taking us serious thinking he was getting out of here alive.

"We aren't taking you in, we're here to take you out!!"
I growled my tail stiff ready for me to pounce my ears listening to any slight noise.

"Not very heroic baby toga"
He giggled back.

"Fuck being heroic!"
I barked as I ran at him he braced for the impact, but I used my quirk to redirect and I grabbed his arm and broke it, I kept attacking in quick and powerful attacks.

*** Deku pov ***

I watched Y/n attack again and again I could hear the screams of Tomura he was losing but he wasn't fighting back, she ripped him apart I could tell this was a vendetta killing, I couldn't stop it, I just hoped the same Y/n I knew would come out of this.

The screams turned into a horrific and manic laugh, Y/n stood back as the monster in front of her transformed into something out of a nightmare Tomura in his new form towered over Y/n, she was scared for a moment before her ears laid flat and she burst into a moisture of flames, I joined in the fight now and we didn't let up, we fought for what seemed like forever all three of us wearing ourselves out.

"Kitsune I think he is healing"
I said landing close to her speaking low, I knew she would hear me.

"I noticed that too but if I incinerate the cells he can't"
I nodded and called over the coms for everyone to get out after another five minutes they all confirmed they were out, Hitoshi let us know he had to use his quirk on Bakugo and Netsu.

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