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The door of the panic room exploded away from its hinges and took out a few villains while barely missing Shigaraki and Toga, my body was surrounded by extremely hot flames the fire grew outward creating a barrier for myself and Netsu.

"Well well hello there little Toga!"
The villain said with an evil smirk.

"Get out of my house you ashy fuck!"
Was all I spat back my flames reaching towards the blue haired man.

"Y/n don't"
Yoga called out to me.

Netsu threw a flame pillar towards the villain holding my mother against the wall and I created a barrier so all three of us could make it down the hall to my room so we could jump out the window, I grabbed my mother's hand my flames repelling away from her pulling her to my room and running out of the already broken window.

I put out my flames, Netsu doing the same and we ran towards the next street to hide in the abandoned business building, we were panting messes but we were as quiet as possible then I heard my dads run past.

I ran out calling to them they turned and ran to me picking me up hugging me and then grabbing on to Netsu, Dad looked at Toga and went to attack her before I stood in front of her arms out making myself appear bigger everyone's eyes grew wide at my actions, Dad simply nodded and ran back towards the house.

"You three stay here, roast any of them if they get past" Dad yelled as he took off Kiri following.

Netsu and I said at the same time.

"Mom? Why did you come back?"
I didn't look at her I felt tears pricking at my eyes but took a deep breath looking up to stop them from falling.

"I never left, I had twice make doubles of me while I've been disguised for the last 16 years"
She replied, she didn't move closer she knew this was a touchy subject.

"Y/n stragglers coming our way!"
Netsu whispered I looked towards him and then to my mother walking towards the road.


Netsu and I called out igniting a box around them and drinking them burning up the oxygen causing the 6 villains to pass out, one of them was twice I looked towards the blonde woman she looked at me as if to judge my next action.

"If you mean it take him and go back to the building, if either of you are gone when we get back next time I will take you in regardless"

"Thank you Y/n I'll see you soon"
I allowed her into the cube to get her friend and Netsu went in to capture the rest of the villains while I kept an eye out.

"Young Bakugo.... I'd appreciate if you'd join us I'd hate to disintegrate your step dad here"

Shigaraki had Kiri what the fuck am I meant to do shit shit shit, he hasn't noticed Netsu yet, I looked back and seen that Kiri was out cold, where's dad?.

"Where's my dad?!"
Panic started to set in, Dad had to be ok!

"Oh he's dealing with my friends...."
The smirk he was wearing was terrifying.

"Fine fine I'll go just put Kiri down please!"
I had no choice I couldn't risk Kiri or Netsu, I put my flames out tails and all and said 'my trap' will disappear after about 15 minutes he seemed to believe me.

I saw red eyes from the alley across the street and hoped it was our principal, I engulfed myself and him in a ball of flames I could feel an Netsu sending what power he could to me and my flames encapsulated us both his hands found my neck and squeezed I felt a crack not sure if it was serious or not I covered myself in the hottest flames I could.

My vision started going fuzzy when his grip loosened he wasn't going to let go but not being able to breathe affected him more than me but soon my flames were shut off and Shigaraki was cuffed I did it but what was the damage?.

*** Aizawa pov***

Netsu ran over to Y/n we had managed to cuff the rest of the villains the kids did good but wouldn't have expected much less out of them.

"Hey Y/n you alright? Hey no don't move your neck is messed up medics are coming so just chill ok?"

At Least he's got the sense to keep her still.

"Ok Netsu, they got him though? And the others? And mom?"

Her Mom? Does that mean Togas nearby? Not the issue at hand she's stayed close for this long without doing anything she won't act up now I guess.

"Where's Kirishima and Y/n?"

And que the headache Bakugo ran towards us pushing past me and going to his boyfriend and daughter, calming down as he seen Netsu with them Kiri was fine just unconscious but Y/n's condition was unknown.

"She kept you away from your dad and caught Shigaraki?" Bakugo asked the teen male.

"She's pretty badass, puts some heroes to shame" kids got it bad, but is it the pairing or just teenage hormones? Eww teenagers.

"Yeah she does, where's her mother?"
So Toga was or is here.

"Building, with the dude in a black skin tight suit I think Toga called him twice she said he helped keep her hidden they're both there"

"I want to talk to both of them so I told her to wait for me, how bad is the damage?" Y/n asked I think more to remind the two males she was still there, her dad didn't answer, their home was gone.

The medics got there and checked Kirishima and Y/n over letting us know both are fine the crack in Y/n neck was just a joint crack just a very loud one once the police took everyone away and the medics left Bakugo and his daughter went towards the building the I guess Toga was in.

"Y/n, Bakugo I'm going to come with you two, I'd like to talk to the pair as well"

They were hesitant but let me tag along.
"Mom? You still here?"

"Yeah we're still here".

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