Twenty two

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***Y/n pov***

"Mom? What the shit what are you doing?"

"I... I *sniff* I heard Dabi wanted to end it in a blaze of glory, Shigaraki wants you and Netsu *sniff* I didn't know if Dabi would do it, I came as soon as I heard he was here, but you...... Oi blasty just how OP is our girl?"

"Tch, enough to rule the world to set it on fire"
Dad said pulling me to my feet, I hid my tails and ears away, I hugged him tightly I would be lost with out him, I'm glad I got out of this as well off as I did even going feral.

"Hey Y/n"
Netsu called to me, holding a hand out to me, I took it walking towards him he lead me to the side away from everyone, we got around a corner when he pushed me against the wall.

I didn't get to finish questioning him when he had kissed me, it was intense, he lifted my legs around his waist lifting me up, my hands pulling his hair slightly, causing a deep moan to make its way out of our kiss, his hand was planted next to my head heat burning the brick, when we let go like really let go it got heated, very heated, the molten brick landed on my shoulder dripping down to the ground next to us.

*cough cough*

We stopped looking back towards the wreckage to see a very very pissed Bakugo and a blushing Kirishima and Deku, Netsu shitting and dropping em on my arse

"You Brats!! We thought the rest had come back and got you, why the fuck would you take off?"

"Dad chill ok, were sorry"
I said standing rubbing my now very very sore back end.
"Guess there's no chance of a big wedding now hey"

"Dont be stupid, my kid will have what ever type of wedding she wants especially if Endeavor is footing the bill"
Dad said with a glint in his eye, he was proud of me and I was happy.

"Wait Netsu, do, do you want to have a funeral for your dad?"
I asked gently, I didn't know how he was feeling right now.

"I, I think I do, is that bad of me?"
I shook my head when he gave me his answer.

"No its not, I'd like to give my son a send off, he wasn't always this"
Enji came around the corner listening to the conversation, I felt Netsus hand snake around into mine, he was shaking, I walked back around with him, we were taken back to the agency at UA I told dad Netsu and I needed a moment, he looked at me then to my fiancé, he nodded and we made our way to napping room as I called them.

I tried to make him sit down, he refused grabbing on to me his head in the crook of my neck the sobs started off small before his weight was on me, I dropped to the couch with him he obs made way for cries, I held him tighter my heart breaking for him.

"I just I feel like I shouldn't care, I held out hope he would do what you're mom did, I wanted to be enough" his voice was pain, all pain.

"You are enough, we don't know what Handsy had on him, he was torn, I think if he had the chance he would of done what he could to be the father you deserve, I saw the look in his eyes, Netsu he didn't want to die, but he did it and I honestly think he did it for you"
I was crying his pain hurt me in ways I never knew were possible.

"I love you so much Y/n, Do you think I'd be like him if I didn't meet you?"

"We all have it in us, I'm so sorry I killed him, I wish I could have saved him, form shigaraki, I wish I could have brought him back to you, I'm so so sorry, Its your time to grieve and here I am I'm sorry"

"No don't be, I don't and won't hold it against you, it sucks but it had to happen, It hurts but we will be fine" our tears didn't stop from heartbreak and grief with added exhaustion.

We didn't notice we weren't alone until we heard Netsu's uncle speak.
I jumped at the familiar monotone voice.

"Y/n we dont blame you at all, it's a heroes job to deal with impossible situations, yes you killed Dabi but you freed Toya Todoroki"
Shoto said his family nodding behind him, Natsuo came over grabbing my hand, he was closest with Touya before he left I dreaded him hating me.

"It's fine Y/n I dont think we ever expected Toya to come home alive, you're family too so in a way you lost him too, the possibility of a father in law, grandfather to your children, we all lost something, we don't blame you"

I looked at the tall white haired man, tears flowing from my eyes he wiped them away pulling me into a bear hug, before Netsu and the rest of the Todoroki's joined in, well all except Enji, I stood away and went over toward the hulking man, resting my hand on his arm, I looked at him and he met my eyes, he placed his hand on mine before pulling me in for a hug.

He didn't say anything and neither did I we were both at fault for the fall of Touya even if we had been forgiven, it didn't take our feelings away, we pulled away from each other and left the room getting a coffee each and walking outside.

"I'm proud of you Bakugo, I hope I'm around when you reach number one."

"I'll have to hurry up and take the spot soon, so you can watch be obliterate all of your records, even All mights"

"I'd like to see that"

He didn't say it in a challenging way, he said it like he knew I could do it, I wasn't his biological family but I knew we felt like family to each other.

"Enji, I have a question"
I turned my head slightly towards him.

"What is it Bakugo?"
He returned in the softest way he could.

"Would you be the celebrant for Netsu and I? It would be an honour for me to have you do it" I said hoping the timing wouldn't piss him off.

"The honour is mine, I'd like nothing more"
He said wrapping a large arm around my body giving me a side hug before he was called inside.

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