Chance Encounter

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(???)'s POV-
"Why me?"
That question echoed through my head as I kept running
After the heroes chased me for what felt like hours, I finally lost them in a series of alleys
"That should buy me sometime... wait..." I was frozen by what was in front of me, a green haired teenager had... fallen? No... he jumped off of a roof. He was in a critical condition, I had to help him somehow! Maybe if I...
"Crap! They found me, and next to a body no less. I don't have a choice, either I ditch the kid and escape, or take the kid and get captured, or..."

Kamui Woods POV-
That thing has to be somewhere here! We can't just let it run around and cause panic, now where is...
I stopped dead in my tracks as I took in what was in front of me.
A teenagers corpse laid on the ground surrounded by pools of blood. "What happened? Did that monster do this?"
I moved my hand to his throat to check for a pulse, he was still alive! I quickly radioed to endeavor, Mt. Lady, erasure head, and the others to keep looking for that thing as I quickly rushed the kid to the hospital.
But then he started to move.

All Might POV-
I regret telling that kid he couldn't be a hero, but honestly his dream was foolish, a quirkless hero is as rare as endeavor being nice, non-existent. Not to mention he would have died early on in his career even if it picked up. But I was snapped out of my train of thought by loud explosions coming from nearby.
As I was racing over to find the source, I saw kamui standing on a roof near to the sounds origin, I jumped over to him only for him to seemingly not notice, but that wasn't important right now.
As I looked down I saw the slime villain I had saved that boy from earlier with a new hostage, a blond haired boy who seemed overly aggressive. I would have helped, but I had hit my limit. As I deflated, I looked down only to see other heroes not helping him "what are you waiting for?! Help him! Your heroes not civilians!"
As I was about to push my limit to jump in, something catch's my eye, in a alleyway across from me I see a dim red light glow through the shade as the shadows around it seemed to grow, "that's odd, is it a villain assisting in the attack? If so, I should intervene" but what happened next truelly surprised me, as the shadows near the red light shot out of the alley in the shape of spikes toward the slime villain.
As they connected, I could hear the villain scream in pain as he released the blond boy. The spikes quickly expanded, and shot pieces of the slime villain everywhere. As the slime covered the walls, the shadows retracted, and the light vanished. Kamui, who seemed to snap out of his trance, swiftly secured the blond boy. The other heroes quickly contained the pieces of the villain, but they shortly afterward grew pale as they walked away. I joined up with them and asked why they seemed frightened, but what they said next scared me for days. in the span of only a few seconds, the slime villain was defeated like before, but unlike last time...
He was dead

*time skip brought to you by mysterious being next to a corpse*

Izuku POV-
As I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by emptiness. My head hurt, I don't remember what happened nor where I am.
"Where am I?"
"Isn't it obvious? Your inside your own mind"
I quickly spun around to find the voice but found nothing, what was that voice?
"Well, technically speaking, I'm you. At least, I am now"
"What does that even mean? Your me now? You weren't before? Also how are you in my head? How can you read my mind? How am I in my own mind? How..."
" stop rambling"
After my usual mumbling, a ball of shadow began to take form in front of me
this will be confusing unless I start from the beginning"
I then noticed the ball turned into a human, it had grey hair and crimson red eyes, but, it's facial features...
It was me...
I'm a sentient quirk

From The Darkest Abyss, Shines The Brightest Light | BHNA AUWhere stories live. Discover now