A Quirk Thief?

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All Might POV-
I was in the police station waiting for Tsukauchi to finish his current meeting so I can talk to him in private about what recovery girl told me

It seems like mirio only has a fragment of one for all, but I'm more concerned about you. It looks like you also only have a fragment, a large piece at that but still...

If Me and togata only have a fragment.... who has the rest?
"Toshinori? Is something wrong?" Tsukauchi asked
"Oh um, yeah. Could I talk to you in private for a second?" I asked
Once we got to a secluded area, I explained to him everything recovery girl told me, and to say he was shocked would be an under statement.
"Do you think your injury weakened one for all?" He asked
"I did for a bit, but togata presented a different idea that's even more terrifying" I respond
"What if it was stolen?" I said, shivering at the thought that it might fall into the wrong hands
"I'll talk to the U.A. staff about it, and bring them into a secret investigation, this is something that can't be ignored" he said, starting to getting frantic
"Thank you for everything Tsukauchi..." I say as he runs off

Izuku POV-

I meet stain, out of costume obviously, at dagobah beach the next day to tell him the great news of my success.
"Hey Sensei, you wont believe what I did!" I say proudly
"What could be better than being on-par with the symbol of peace?" A grin on his face
"I may or may not have stolen his quirk" I say, an evil smile plastered onto my face
"... what have you been smoking kid? I guarantee it's illegal" he said sounding disappointed
"I really did, it's called one for all, and can be passed down to another, increasing in power each generation"
I then told him the story void told me. At first he didn't believe me but slowly accepted my words.

"So you can't control the energy in your body"
"Have you tried circulating it through your body?"
"Let's try that tonight then, you need to train it up to us as a vigilante, and slightly draw from it as a civilian. You'll still need to hide it pretty well as a civilian because of the whole... ya know... lightning thing" he told me
"Oh yeah, the color changes when I want it to, it can be green, yellow, white, red, black, or sometimes two at once" I explain
"That's going to be handy, anyways keep up the training and head home, we don't want to look like two gang members"

All Might POV-

I was in the meeting room with the other U.A. staff discussing possible suspects of who has the other part to one for all. As hard as we tried, the only leads we had were a few short loved dead-ends.

"Any ideas of who could have taken it or had the motive to Toshinori?" Tsukauchi asked me
"Sadly no, the only other person that knows my secret is Izuku Midoriya, and he didn't have any way to get my dna, so he's a dead end" I respond, saddened that I have to pull him into this, he hates me enough already.

Think... not who has the motive, but who could have my dna...
Not all for one...
Not the sludge villain...
Come on, who else did I fight who could have-
"Dark Stalker..." I whisper on instinct
"What?!" Everyone yells in unison
"When he and I fought, he talked towards me in a cold voice, and slammed me into the ground not by any normal body part... but by my hair..." I explain
"Well it's the best lead we have, I say we point this investigation towards Dark Stalker specifically, and any others we can keep a profile on, any objections?" Aizawa stated
No one raised a hand, so now to focus on Dark Stalker. To the public, he'll be an A ranked villain, but to us, he's an S, up there with Stain, and all for one...

All for one...

"I'm getting the feeling he's connected to all for one, it's just a hunch" I say
"Well, we can explore into it later, it's getting late and we have a big case to work on outside our normal jobs now, so rest up" Tsukauchi tells everyone
"Right!" We all respond, I can only hope tomorrow is a better day.

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