Dangerous Problem Child

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All Might POV-
I may have been on the other side of a one-way window, but it felt like I was in the room with the poor kid when he snapped and looked like he was possessed by a demon.
"So Toshinori, what do you make of this?" Tsukauchi asked
"Whatever happened to this kid, was put into him artificially. his quirk seems to be new, as I rescued him from the slime villain and asked if he could be a hero without a quirk"
"Well that doesn't fully explain how he would have agreed to a forced quirk transplant when he was told yes"
At hearing that I immediately tensed up, but quickly relaxed so he wouldn't notice "I've made a terrible mistake..."
"So what should we do with him?" He brought me back from my trance with that.
"I'd say we enroll him in UA, if we can teach him how to use his new found power, we may have a new powerful ally"
"What about his personality change?"
"Let's find any triggers for it, and teach him to contain it"
We both agreed he would be trained, but with a close eye kept on him.

Aizawa POV-
"...and that's why we need you to be his homeroom teacher"
"So you want me to be the overseer of a walking time-bomb that could go off at any moment?" So not only am I a teacher, I'm also a babysitter? Great, just great.
"Great, what's the worst that could happen"
"Well you remember that one villain you and a few others were trying to find? 'Black squid'?"
"Yes why?"
"We think that this kid was forcefully fused with him"
WHAT, not only do they now want me to watch over a kid, but said kid might accidentally level a city?!
"We hope you feel alright with this extra assignment" Nezu added
"As long as he can control himself, it shouldn't be too big of an issue"
"Well control is slightly lacking as he snapped in the middle of the street, and killed a villain"
Although, if I don't, he'll most likely be teased and bullied for having a villain's quirk, and I know how that feels.
"Fine, I'll do it"
A/N: sorry for the short chapter, I was having a hard time deciding on which of 4 different transitions I wanted to use, and had mini-writers block in the process.

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