The Talk of The Town

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A/N:short authors note, when I type in underline and parentheses, that's me talking (author to characters). when it's italics, that's the characters thoughts. Ok just wanted to clear that up.
Izuku/void POV-
After I woke up in what looked like the nurses office, I was released to go home with only a minor head ache.
Hey void you there?
Yes, what is it?
I noticed that ever since you and I merged, I haven't felt sad or angry about any of my past memories, what's up with that?
Well, I live off of negative emotions, and since I didn't want to lose someone with the same issues as me, I've been feeding off of as much negative energy as I can so we don't have a repeat of last time
Oh yeah, so I can't feel sadness or anger anymore?
You still can, since I can only nullify so much negative emotion, and most of it is from your past
Does it have any effect on you?
Well, too much negative energy and I slowly become actually insane instead of just an act, but it takes quite a lot of negativity to pull that off.
Interesting, but I feel like I'm missing something important...
Oh yeah your mom might be mad
Your rambling again, just write it off as you meeting a vigilante or something, humans believe that stuff right?
I mean maybe... never really thought of that approach
Well, you should probably think of a solid excuse, since how else do you explain a sentient quirk?
Yeah that's true...
In that moment my phone started ringing, and it was... Kacchan? Why is he calling me? Wait... WHY WAS HE CALLED ME 178 TIMES?!
Before I could answer, void stops me
Don't, he's probably just going to yell at you
Reluctantly I let it go to voicemail, and check the news to see what kind of mess void made. hey... to my shock the news had exploded over some mysterious vigilante named "Dark Stalker" who killed the slime villain.
Void, you see this right?
No I'm blind and deaf
Oh... that kinda sucks...
I was being sarcastic, kinda hard to express that through text
Who are you talking to?
...anyways yes, I was being sarcastic, I can see anything you can see.
Nice, also, Do you think we should be Dark Stalker as a hero?
Ah yes, Dark Stalker, the prestigious hero, mysterious vigilante, responsible for the murder of a villain and assault of a hero, wonderful idea...
...I'll take that as a no
So... should we make this a thing?
Make what?
Being a vigilante, should we do it as a part time?
Depends, exactly how much do you work out everyday?
...point taken, but we can train!
You know of a place?
Thought so
You know a place?
well I have an idea, but for now you should head home, this many swaps in such a short time leaves me kinda weak
How does that work?
If you use a battery for an extended period of time and don't recharge it?
It runs out of... ooooh
Yeah, now I need some rest and so do you, too many swaps can cause headaches ranging from a minor inconvenience, to head splitting.
That.. wouldn't be good...
Your going the wrong way by the way
Oh thanks! Wait... how do you know the way to my house?
(Your problem, you fix it)
Um...I have a hunch...
...ok then...
(Nice execution, your doing terrific)
*whispers* bite me

*timeskip brought to you by a shattered fourth-wall*
I used my keys to open the door to our house, it was a little after noontime but the lights were off. somethings not right...
"MOM! IM HOME" I shout
No response...
Now I'm really starting to worry, is she ok? Where is she, then I see a note on the table...

'Izuku, If your come home and are reading this, I'm out buying groceries, please come back! -Love Inko'
Oh thank god...
I walk into the kitchen and grab some instant ramen. Not as good as freshly made, but better than nothing I guess.
After I cooked and ate it, I went back upstairs but started to feel weird. It was like some invisible chain was pulling down on my heart...
Hey void?
I was responded with a small, tired grumble
This time it was received with a louder, more exhausted grumble
You can hate me later... VOOOID!
At this I heard him quickly wake up and felt the chain slowly vanish
Wha- *yawn* what's the problem?
When you fell asleep, it felt like a chain was pulling down on my heart
Izuku... when I fall asleep, your sadness from the past catches up to you...
So... when you're not awake, I'm depressed?
Sounds like it...
This is gonna suck...
As I flopped onto my bed, I looked at the all Might posters and merch that covered my room, and felt a sense of resentment. If I want to be believable, I'm going to have to ditch this stuff...
When I was finally done, my room looked almost barren. with nothing covering the walls now, it felt empty, but also refreshing, it was a new start for both me and void, and I'm ready for tomorrow!
But tomorrow can wait... I thought plopping down on my bed
I'm burned out... and with that, I drifted to sleep.
A/N: skip this if you want to pass the boring stuff about the making of this. So this chapter was a lot shorter than I had expected, but that's mainly due to me having a lot of ideas to unpack before the entrance exams, yes Izuku still has his dream to be a hero, (thank you void for saving the precious green bean) but his view will have a darker tone to it when it comes to all might and other pro's. Anyways next is training with the cinnamon roll and the sentient quirk, enjoy!

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