Yesterdays Memory, Todays Enemy

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A/N: sorry for not uploading recently, school has been slamming me harder than I expected, and finding free time as well as motivation has been painful, but I'm working on this.

Izuku's POV-

No cost too great

The same line kept echoing in my head, and it was giving me a headache. From the sound of the voice, it wasn't void, it was someone or something new. Uraraka and I were walking through the maze of halls and the headache only got worse as the voice persisted.

"Hey u-um, are you alright? If you're not feeling well I can call recovery girl" Uraraka asked, concerned about the fact I wasn't walking straight and muttering at random

"I'm fine, just a little headache, that's all" I try to reassure her

Just when I think it's fine to take a short break and figure out what's going on, the demolitions expert himself jumps out from behind a wall and fires an explosion straight at us. I created a wall but wasn't fast enough to strengthen it, causing us to get launched back a bit.

"Finally found you, ya damn nerd" Bakugo says, hand smoking and a grin plastered on his face

"URARAKA GO!" I shout standing up ready to defend her if Bakugo goes for her. He ended up not even looking at her as she ran past him.

"About time I showed you your place again" he said. His hands started to pop and crackle with mini explosions as I got ready for him to attack, and the headache only got worse. The voice got louder and started to say increasingly worrisome things, ranging from 'teach him a lesson' to 'end his pitiful life'. Despite the stinging pain I was in, I created a shield of shadow before making a blob of the same turn into a spike. The only problem is the headache was making it near impossible to properly flow my emotions into the shield and spike. Taking this opportunity, Bakugo charged straight for me with an explosion ready to blow. I tried using the spike to trip him, but the pain caused me to miss. I used to the shield to block his explosion and slammed him back with the spike. I made another spike and loosened it to more of a tentacle, before grabbing Bakugo by the leg and slamming him into the walls. I couldn't tell if he noticed, but I was slowing down quite a lot. I tried to keep up the tentacle, but eventually my head hurt to the point where I could barely keep my concentration to hold the shield together. After getting up, Bakugo started to fire explosion after explosion at my shield, slowly but surely pushing me back. After a while, the explosions stopped completely. I peeked out from behind my shield to see Bakugo holding the pin on one of his gauntlets, but my head hurt too much to care at the moment.

"You remember how my quirk works right? I sweat nitroglycerin and use it to make explosions" he explained. of course I remember how it works, he would torture me with his quirk all the time, he literally just a walking hand grena-


He must have seen the blood drain from my face, as he pulled the pin without another word.

"YOUNG BAKUGO! THAT COULD KILL MIDORIYA! STOP!" I heard All Might shout through our earpieces


I tried to use my shield, but my headache suddenly jumped past everything it was before. My head felt like it was melting from the inside out, burning my skull along the way. I dropped the shield and it dissolved into a ball of shadows before returning to its original spot. I held by head in pain and tried to think of a way away from the explosion,but then I realized.

I was cornered

I was at a dead end hallway with no way out except past Bakugo. The voice only kept getting louder and louder.

No cost too great, no obstacle to large.
He is just another obstacle in masters path.
Make master happy, it's our duty.
We are important only to him.
He loves us.
This world belongs to him.
Kill everyone else.


You will learn soon, for you are now masters new killing machine, as we have failed.

Then everything went black in a huge blast.

A/N: whose this new person? Or are they new? Who is this master? I'm saving that for next chapter, as a big surprise. You all probs already know the last one, but I'll try to make next chapter as interesting as possible.

Until then, byyyyyeeeee

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