Learning The Basics

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Izuku/Void POV-
We were just waiting for All Might, Erasure Head, and some rat/bear/dog whatever to finish a meeting and I was left alone to my thoughts. Well, mostly alone.
Ok so we agree that the triggers are all might in his deflated form, Kacchan attacking us, and fire burning things down around us, right?
Sure, but why do you keep calling him Kacchan? He may have been a friend a long time ago but once you were announced quirkless, he bullied you relentlessly, so why?
Well, I still consider him a friend, he just has yet to realize I still feel like we're friends.
...you humans are weird.
Also I never asked, but am I able to use your power or is it only you?
I think you can use a small portion of my power, but I can use the full degree of it.
Oh cool, so what can you do?
Well, remember the whole shadow manipulation and body infuser quirks?
Yeah why?
In that moment we touched a wall and my hand seemed to merge into it, becoming a black hand shape
Yeah we can merge into walls, I haven't tested every possibility yet, but I've made a few discovery's.
As I stuck the rest of my arm in the wall, I was lost in amazement. I had an amazing quirk, plus a great friend. As I continued the rest of my body, I wondered what other possibilities were available. As I finished my body, I was entirely two-dimensional, and it was a very weird feeling.
All Might POV-
As we finished the agreement, the three of us walked out expecting to see the mysterious and dangerous boy. What we weren't expecting, however, was for him to be gone, and a black human-shaped figure to be on the wall.
"... where is he?"
"I have no idea"
At that point we were panicking, we had just lost a boy who could at anytime snap and wipe a city off the map. Well, we were, until we hear laughter coming from the walls. We turn to the source, and the blob is fallen over with... tears of laughter? What is going on?
The figure then began to materialize into a human from the wall, what kind of power was this kid fused with?
As the laughter subsided, the body became totally human, and thankfully, the kid wasn't showing any signs of turning.
"Ooooooh, you should have seen your faces, 'where is he?!' 'What are we gonna do?!', just the reaction was worth it" he said while wiping away the tears
"So you're Izuku Midoriya I take it?" Asked Aizawa, who was back to his usual tired self surprisingly quickly after the temporary panic
"Yeah that's me. So, what were you guys talking about?"
"Well young Midoriya..."I said as I deflated. Times up I guess, this kid should be fine with me deflated right?
"We have a few planes for yo-" I stopped mid-sentence only after noticing that once I deflated, the kid started hyperventilating, and grabbing his head as if in pain. I saw his transformation once again, does my deflated form cause him to swap?
"I think that's a new record, three swaps in only two days"
Before I could even respond, Aizawa already had him tied in his capture gear.
"I'm assuming this is his crazy personality?"
"This is in the way..." after saying that he ripped the capture gear in half, before slamming Aizawa into the wall holding him by the neck.
"I wonder... how long can a trained hero survive without breathing?" His hand slowly closed down on Aizawa's throat.
Shortly after, he snapped back to green and passed out, as did Aizawa due to a lack of oxygen.
Nezu and I stood there in shock "never be in your deflated form around him, for your safety and everyone else's"
"Yes sir..."
What have I done to you young Midoriya.

Bakugoe POV-
"STUPID DEKU! PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!" I had been trying to call the nerd for the past few hours after I woke up in the hospital, supposedly I was saved by some mysterious vigilante people are nicknaming "Dark Stalker", and Since the damn nerd knows everything about hero's and villains, he should know this dark stalker guy right?

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