The Past can Hurt, but a Knife Hurts More

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Bakugo POV-

I knew deku had at least an atom of a fan still in him for me, but it practically felt like he let me beat his ass. Not to mention his newer personality doesn't check out with him just dropping his shield and eating an explosion. On top of that there wasn't even a scream or anything. It was only as the smoke cleared that I knew I had messed up big time, as all there was left was a huge pile of rubble, and blood leaking from it. I ran over to the debris, freaking out how I may have just killed deku. I started throwing pieces to the side trying to dig down to him, before a shake in the pile caught my attention.

"Deku! Thank god your ok, I thought I-" I started but stopped after looking at him. Whatever the hell happened in that explosion must have done some shit to him, because that thing that came out of the debris.

It sure as hell wasn't him.

All might POV-

It didn't take long for me to run out of the room after that explosion. Not only did Izuku drop his shield before the detonation, but he also held his head in pain the same way he does when he's about to snap. I had told the students to stay in the room but they started to follow me to see what happened, since the explosion just so conveniently knocked out the cameras. Once I got to the building, it was obvious that we had missed some important stuff.

Half the building was missing, it was shaking with instability, and you could hear a scream from the inside. Before I could even take a step to rush in and find the source of the scream, Bakugo was blown through the front wall and slammed into the opposite building.

"Young Bakugo, are you alright?!" I asked running over as fast as possible. He slowly nodded and pointed into the building.

"Tha- no- dek-" he tried to say but fell unconscious seemingly from blood loss. I was only now looking across his whole body, and there was cuts and slashes all over him, ranging from small cuts, to hand sized gashes. I turned my attention to the building, and I understood what he was trying to say

That's not Izuku, that's a monster

The being walking out of the building looked like Izuku at first glance, but after a second it obviously wasn't him. His hair wasn't a bright green or light grey, it was a darker, more saturated green, his hand was twitchy and covered in a black liquid, that solidified into knives and liquified again, his entire right half was covered in the same black liquid, only it had taken form as a monstrous looking anomaly. But the nail in the coffin, was his eyes. His right eye was a blank white, blinded by the savagery of his right half, but his left told an entirely different story. His left eye was grayed, twitchy, and wild... it gave off a piercing gaze, that didn't look at me, but through me, whatever this thing that's controlling him is, it's not him or his other personality, this is something new, something dangerous...

Something absolutely insane.

"JUST WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IZUKU?!?!" I shouted at the monster

"sorry, but Izuku can't talk right now. oh where are my manners, allow me to start introductions" he said bowing

"THESE ARE THE BLADES THAT WILL BE YOUR DEMISE" he shouted before running straight after me, turning his entire arm in a wide assortment of blades and knives.

I was barely able to jump away holding Bakugo in my arms. I rushed back to Aizawa and the kids, laying down Bakugo and turning to face the beast that just attempted to murder the two of us. It was plainly obvious that I couldn't get close to him without being torn to shreds by his knives.

"Aizawa, can you cancel his quirk and give me an opening?" I asked, knowing it was a long shot to even work

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Mineta asked while shaking violently
"Yeah, some info would be nice All Might?" Kaminari asked
"What happened to Izuku?!"
"Did Baku-bro do that?!"
"What's going on?!"
"I want to go home!"

"Izuku normally has an crazy alternative personality that comes from his power, but this is something entirely new, I have no idea who this is" I tried to calmly explain as I composed myself. I had faced much worse than this, so why am I so uneasy? Maybe it's because I know I've hurt izuku enough already. As I was thinking, a geyser of ice shot past me and encased Izuku. I turned and saw todoroki preparing another shot of ice as Izuku smashed free. The others also seemed prepared for a fight, well... except mineta, he was still trembling behind everyone.

"Oh silly little hero's, it takes a lot more than a little frost to kill me" Izuku muttered as he shook off the rest of the ice. He bolted forward only to be met by a rock hard fist, curtesy of kirishima. As he tumbled back however, a black blob was stuck to one of kirishima's fingers, and in the blink of an eye, turned into a knife cutting his finger straight through the middle. The ear piercing scream that resulted caused more than a few people to take involuntary steps backwards. They weren't just fighting another student, they were fighting a madman with no remorse whatsoever.

Izuku launched several tendrils at the students while rushing forward yet again, wielding his blade covered arm. Momo impaled one tendril with a spear, while Sero trapped another with his tape. Sato broke two of the tendrils in half, and todoroki froze the rest. Kirishima held Izuku in place while all might landed a hit. Izuku's entire torso was missing and black sludge covered almost everywhere behind his remaining legs. The sludge moved towards his legs and grouped together before perfectly reforming himself.

"As I said, it takes a lot more than that to kill me" Izuku said, cracking his neck. The fight continued with Izuku launching tendril after tendril and reforming when destroyed. People started to opt-out of fighting due to pushing themselves too hard or over using their quirks.

Eventually all that remained was all might, aizawa, Kaminari, momo, hagakure, a tired Kirishima, and mineta, who was still cowering behind aizawa. Kirishima was on the verge of passing out, and all might was nearly at his limit. Yet Izuku has barely slowed down at all. Kirishima knocked back Izuku yet again but something was different, there was cords coming from behind him and ending in Izuku's sludge-like form. before Kirishima could even react, he was blinded by a huge burst of electricity.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Izuku screamed in pain, his voice glitching between personalities

It turned out the cords were electric cables momo had made, that were linked up to Kaminari. The huge burst of electricity caused Izuku to lose his sludge form, and allowed all might to land a blow.

"SMAAAAAAASH!!" All might shouted as he slammed his fist into Izuku's face. The force of the punch sent Izuku flying, as well as rendered him unconscious.

A/N: sorry that it had been so long since the last chapter, not sure if anyone even reads this anymore since it's been so long, but I thought I might as well send out the chapter.

Not much else to say, so have a good time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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