Invisible Bond

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"Like I said, it's confusing, but yes, I'm an experiment gone wrong resulting in sentience"
*a few minutes prior*
"I'm a sentient quirk that was the result of a failed test of combining quirks artificially, in an attempt to make the most powerful quirk ever, with the combination of an emitter quirk, a transformation quirk, and a mutation quirk. The emitter manipulation quirk was still developing, and grabbed the nearest thing, a shadow projected from a nearby light. The transformation quirk was a sort of defensive body infuser, that merged with the shadow manipulation, and the mutation quirk ended up acting as the center of it all, as an intelligence quirk. and it resulted in me."
"That's... a lot to take in... but what does this have to do with me? And also what should I call you?"
"Well... after I found your nearly dead body in an alley, I could feel a lot of negative energy, the stuff that keeps me alive, practically gushing out of you, so I merged with you to keep the both of us alive"
"Ok that answers most of my questions, but once again, why me? I'm just a worthless, quirkless nobody, I'd just slow others down..."
"Because your human, I'm not. I was thrown out and reported to heroes as a dangerous villain, I know how it feels to be rejected. I've seen your memories, and you still can live on. you can call me Void, And I know of a way I can help you in return for helping me survive. I know a way..."
His next words would lift my heart from the shell of emptiness that it had fallen into. words I've been told before but never held any true meaning. This being, no, this new friend, truly cared about me. For the words he told me...
"You can become a hero!"
*present time*
Kamui woods POV-
I was at the hospital, waiting for that little demon to wake up, hes got a lot of explaining to do.
"Hang in there kid, I'll get you to the hospital and you'll be..."
"Put me down"
As I looked down, I noticed the kid had not only woken up, but his face was different. One eye was a emerald green, while the other was a bloody red. His hair that was once green, was now black with silver highlights at the ends. And his voice... it sounded distorted, broken, and split, one half sounding fine, while the other sounded demonic, with a slight echo almost
"You heard me"
"Sorry kid but you need..."
"There is something I must do"
There was something weird about this kid, but it felt like there was an influence over my thoughts.
Reluctantly, I put the kid down and he motioned for me to get to higher ground. As I moved up and across the street, I saw black tendrils come out of his back, as his crimson eye started to glow. It was like a living nightmare, he looked like a monster straight out of a horror story. As I was frozen in place, the tendrils quickly shot forward, stabbing into a blob of slime that... screamed? Immediately after the tendrils expanded and the slime thing shot every where, I noticed a near unconscious blond boy fall. Reacting on instincts, I stopped his fall, and left him with the other hero's, and there was also... all might? What's he doing here?
I cautiously moved back to the boy only to find him unconscious and looking fully green again. Something is going on and I don't like it.
*flashback end*

*time skip brought to you by 26 failed ideas for a transition*
I had arrived at the police station with little mister nightmare still unconscious. I had called in and it turns out a skinny guy by the name of "Toshinori" was looking for him, so I handed him over and waited while he carried the boy to the interrogation room.

Izuku/Void POV-
As I woke up from my mini-coma, I found I was in an all white room with a table and two chairs sitting on opposite sides.
"Ah, your awake, we have a few questions to ask you, I'm investigator Tsukauchi"
I look up and see a normal looking guy across from me with a notebook and pen
"Um... what's going on?"
"Simple, this is an interrogation over your actions"
"What?" Now I was confused, did Void do something while I was out? Ok so I maybe... kinda... killed the slime villain that attacked you in front of a few people? YOU WHAT?!?! Ok I have a plan, play this off as your quirk called... uh... abyss... uhm... has a crazy alternate personality. But I can't do that to you, your the first person who actually cared about me. Just do it, it'll make things...
I snapped out of my trance to see the detective looking impatient
"Ok, now that your done day dreaming, do you know what you did to end up here?"
Do it
"I do now" after saying this he looked both confused and saddened
"So I assume you also know how your acts where recorded on live television that was broadcast to thousands?"
YOU WHAT?! OK OK, so maybe alittle more than a few, but what's the worst that can happen?
"I'll take that as a no, now, care to explain?"
Please, just do it, if you don't, it'll be worse for us both
"I have a insane alternative personality that's a side effect of my quirk, abyss, which lets me manipulate shadows, and it actively feeds off of negative emotions and energy. When I felt a large amount of anger build up, I lost control and snapped"
This seemed to not only blow him away, but also make him start to slightly stutter
"I'd like to test your word if that's ok"
"It's fine"
THIS IS NOT FINE, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?! Calm down, I have an idea, anytime he tries to bring up some bad memory from your past, I'll come out slightly, maybe a slight flash of red in your eye would be enough. I think the main topics should be bakugou, all might, and ... I guess fire would work
The detective then started pulling out cards, each with a different shape, until he reached the last card...
It was a photo of Kacchan held captive by the slime villain surrounded by fire. "WAIT DOES HE READ MINDS?!"
Go time partner...
As Void said that, I felt my body move on its own, I started to twitch, my eyes flashed a bit of red, and I grabbed my right eye while hyperventilating. The detective looked beyond frightened, and called for backup. Time for the cherry on top
"Never thought he would snap so quickly, guess it's time to kill again" I said in a mix of mine and Void's voices before bursting out into psychotic laughter
That should be enough to solidify your statement
Then I blacked out once again

A/N: Hey guys, what did you think of my garbage naming skills? I couldn't think of anything good for Void's name so I just went onto, searched "shadow" clicked 4 times and ended with either "umbra" "abyss" or "void" and I thought Void was fitting to the character, so it stuck. If you like it, let me know, if you hate it and want me to change it, let me know, and I hope you enjoyed.

From The Darkest Abyss, Shines The Brightest Light | BHNA AUWhere stories live. Discover now