An Eye For An Eye, A Quirk For A Dream

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Izuku POV-
I woke up with sun in my eyes and a minor headache. I decided to take a quick shower and  get ready for the day. Once that was done with, I threw on some casual clothes and went into the kitchen. Mom was already up and making fried eggs and toast, so I turned on the news, which was boring until...

"And now back to a developing story, a new danger on the block? A terrifying vigilante appeared last night and went on a long spree of attacks with small criminal gangs resulting in the capture of thirty four D ranked villains and is guilty of the death of six C ranked criminal bosses. which would normally only rank this mysterious person up to possibly a C or B, but after All Might approached the scene, this vigilante who has been identified as the well known 'Dark Stalker', fought All Might to a stalemate before retreating when reinforcements arrived, as well as being in association with the S ranked hero killer 'Stain', which has ranked him an A ranked danger scale. We have footage here that you can make out his appearance..." the tv clicked over to me jumping over the buildings in disguise. "As you can see, he is seen with raven black hair, honey colored eyes, and a red and black toothy grin-like mask, if you see this person, please contact authorities immediately, and do not engage him. In other news-" I clicked off the tv and looked over to my mom, who didn't seem to react in the slightest or maybe she didn't hear it

"Hey mom, how soon are the entrance exams for U.A.?" I asked, already knowing it's in about 3 weeks
"Last I checked, it's in about three weeks, looking to try it with void?" She responded, joy laced into her voice at my question
"Yeah, I'm going to go train a bit. if you need anything, call me" I say getting up and heading back to my room to grab All Mights hair.
I have a hunch he's going to pass it on it the coming weeks
Your willing to follow this man for weeks just for his power?
This is all might, ya know, the guy who can punch tornadoes into existence?
After that interaction with void, I grabbed a green hoodie, and my red sneakers. I walked out onto the street and as if by a miracle, there's deflated All Might, blending into the crowd.
(Hey void, like the plot convenience?)

I tailed Toshinori from a distance, making sure no one was following me. Eventually he stopped at... dagobah beach?
Looks like he already found a successor
What makes you say that?
Look at the kid there... he practically looks like a younger All Might
I looked at the guy standing next to All Might, he had blond hair, a big smile, but oh god those eyes... he looks like he's looked god in the eyes and laughed.
"Are you sure your ready for this responsibility young togata?" Toshinori asked. Well, we got a name at least
"YES! IM READY ALL MI-" he started but was cut off
"NOT IN PUBLIC!" Toshinori whisper yelled
"Right... I'm ready sir" togata responded, his smile somehow not changing at all. Is he even alive behind those eyes?
"Ok then... eat this!" All Might said, transforming at the end
Showtime Izu
I take out All Mights hair which has started to... glow? I quickly eat it and feel a huge surge of power rushing through my body. at first it feels great, but then it gets worse. My veins feel like their burning, my muscles start to shake with energy, and I can feel raw power rushing through my body like a river. After five seconds that felt like an hour of pain, I look to see a confused all might and togata. I took that as my time to leave, so I power walked home, every now and then having to duck into an alley surge after surge after...

All Might POV-
After I had stopped young togata from revealing my true identity, I told him to eat my hair so I can transfer my quirk to him.
Ok time for it, concentrate... Transfer one for all...
As I opened my eyes, mirio looked very confused.
"Uh, Toshinori? Shouldn't I feel you power pumping through my veins?" He asked, sounding slightly worried.
"Well yes, but due to your build, it should feel more like a minor tingling" I said, also pretty confused
"That's the thing, I don't feel any different, no tingling or anything" he said now sounding very worried
"Maybe it didn't work... let's try again" I said, pulling out another hair and repeating

*short time skip brought to you by quirk snatching izuku*

We were now on the tenth try and I'm getting extremely worried, until...
"I'm starting to feel a bit of something..." mirio said, still a little confused
"Good, now imagine energy coursing through your body, and hit that car" I responded
He closes his eyes for a few seconds before punching the car yelling 'POWEEEEEEERRRR!'

But he seemed to only punch it with maybe 1% of what I could do, he should be able to do at least 15% from the get go, so what's stopping him?
"Hmmm, you have some power there, but try to imagine more of it" I say trying to figure out what's going on
"That's the thing sir, I was imagining all of the energy I felt" he said, now extremely worried
"Maybe you already transferred it?" He added
"That's impossible, I only now thought of transferring it, so no one else could have had it, although... I do feel a bit drained" I say, feeling more fatigued then ever
"Let's come back tomorrow then, after we get this figured out" mirio said
As we left the beach, I could have sworn I heard the sound of zapping electricity in a nearby alley, but I ignored it. I'll have to talk to recovery girl about this, maybe get Tsukauchi on this too, I need this figured out quick.

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