Anticipation and Dedication

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A/N: I know I never mentioned it before, but dang, 1k reads, and i know that's collective and everything but just... wow, thank you guys so much for reading this, I've got a ways to go before I'm done, but I hope you guys stick around
Izuku POV-

(Timeskip because why not)
I had just gotten done with beating another thugs face in for the millionth time.

How many is that?
Don't know, I stopped counting at triple digits, pretty sure your a hard S rank criminal now
Rank doesn't really matter to me, it's just if I get the job done
Yeah, true

"You done yet kid?" Stain asked behind me as he stabbed yet another Paralyzed body of a hero.
"Yeah, let's head ou-" I tried to respond but was cut off by a geyser of blue fire behind me.
"There you two are, we've been looking everywhere for you" some emo raven haired guy said, stepping out from the shadows along side a blonde girl in.... a school uniform?
"Just who might you two be?" Stain growled, going into protec mode as he sometimes does around me
"Two of your biggest fans~" the blonde girl said

As I took a closer look at them, they were anything but normal, the emo guy had burned skin stapled all over his body, making him look like some failed Barney costume, and the girl just screeeeeeeeeeamed psychotic.

"I'll ask only one more time, who. Are. You." Stain said, clearly pissed off
"You can call me Dabi, and this is toga" the reject human torch, now known as Dabi, said
"I'm especially a fan of you Dark Stalker~" toga said

Scale of one to ten of she's going to kill me, she's a solid 11

"Just to show my dedication, I joined your fan club and I'm one of the high rank members~" she said, really stressing the dedication just a bit too much.
"My what?" I asked
"Your cult kid, the one I mentioned before" Stain whispered to me
"Sooo, what do you want for us to do Dark Stalker? I'll pass the message to the other members" toga said still way to into me
"How can I trust you first?" I asked, knowing I'm probably being lied to
"Well, I was attacked before by a group of asshole's who were stalking me for a while, and you saved me from them! Ever since then I've been dying to meet you and properly say thank you! That's how I joined your fan club to find you" she said, going full yandere mode.
"That doesn't really prove anything, but I have an idea. If you can steal a copy of the U.A. schedule in the next 3 days and deliver it to me at this location at 12:00 a'clock on the third day, I'll believe your dedication" I say, writing down the address of the subway entrance across town.
"*ahem* we still exist" Dabi said, irritated
"Give em a bit, by the way how exactly did you find us?" Stain asked
"We followed the screams of a fake hero" Dabi said casually
"Their that loud?" Stain said
"No, but there's A LOT of them" Dabi said
"Noted, so you also a member of Dark's cult?" Stain asked
"Yeah, since he's an accomplice of yours, I thought if I found him, I would find you" Dabi explained
"Smart" Stain mumbled
"Alright, plans have been made, are you both also meeting at the location?" I asked
"Sure, I'll help with the whole schedule thing too, why do you want it anyways?" Dabi asked
"It's the schedule of the most well known hero school in japan. it would be hard to get, which would prove toga's dedication, and I get the feeling that it might come in handy. Also toga, if your spotted, get it ASAP, and get out" I explained
"Then everything is settled" Dabi said before turning and leaving with toga

Why do you really want it?
To have an easy win ticket in school so I can focus more on DS and weeding out the fakes
Smart, but kinda cheap
Do what you gotta do, no cost too great

*the next day*

I got ready for school and started walking to UA, excited to finally be able to start the hero course.
Who do you think the teacher will be?
No idea, just please don't kill them day one
mmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM no promises

On the way there, I saw a few fights going on that I sadly couldn't intervene in. After all my usual classes, I sat down for my first hero course lesson.

So whose it going to be?
Dunno, but I'm excited

"I. AM. HEEEREEEE!" Allmight yelled from the door

Uh oh...

"WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" Allmight yet again shouted for no reason. Dear god I wanted to rip his lungs out of his chest.
"TODAY WE WILL BE DOING COMBAT TRAINING! BUT FIRST, HERE ARE THE COSTUMES YOU SENT IN YOUR REQUEST FORM BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED!" He said as suitcases pop out of the wall with numbers on them indicating which one was ours. After he gave some instructions, I grabbed mine and power walked out of the classroom to make space between me and the symbol of shit.

(At the training grounds)

Everyone's costumes looked bright and at least semi-heroic, all except me... Mine made me look kind of like a villain honestly. I have a black vest with a white undershirt and red tie, I had on black dress pants, black gloves, and a mask that looked like a wolfs mouth. Once I walked out, everyone was giving me confused looks but I just shrugged them off. The costume was a better idea on paper than in execution.

"NOW THAT EVERYONE IS HERE, I WILL EXPLAIN HOW THIS WORKS" Allmight said. He explained how there would be a villain and hero team, with the hero's having to either defeat the villains or secure an objective in the building to win, and the villains have to defeat the hero's and protect their weapon to win.

So either way this is going to be a cake walk, I can just wall off the bomb as a villain, or sneak around in the wall as a hero, easy
True, but we'll still have some form of opposition
Yeah, true. Shouldn't be to big of a proble-

"Uh, hello? You paying attention?" The gravity girl said
"Oh uh, sorry I wasn't, also I never got your name" I said pretty embarrassed
"Oh sorry, I'm Ochaco Uraraka, and we're a hero team against Iida and bakugo" she said

Oh, wonderful, how much worse could this day get?
Lots, but I'm not gonna go to that extreme

"Well, knowing bakugo, he's probably going to go after me from the get go. when that happens, you run for the bomb, and I'll hold him off" I explain to her
"Are you sure you can handle him by yourself?" She asked sounding worried
"Don't worry, I'm quite powerful, and I've put up with his shit since I was four, I can handle him" I say

No cost too great...


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