Meeting A Master

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(Trying to sleep? Never heard of it)

Izuku/void POV-

"Nice to meet you can call me stain" he said with a wide grin
The name sounds familiar, but I don't know from where... "Anyways how can you help me become a hero?" I asked
"Well first off, your Dark Stalker aren't you?" he asked
I instinctively flinched HOW DID HE KNOW THAT?!
"You flinched, meaning that I was right" he said, his grin only growing
"How-how did you know" I asked scared of the answer
"I saw you use your power, and it looked almost the same as when Dark Stalker killed that filthy villain, good job on that by the way"
"Well, what are you going to do now that you know?" I asked, knees shaking in fear
"Well, I'll help you train, and can teach you swordsmanship, along with stealth and combat technics" he replied
"Huh?" I was extremely confused, he knows I'm a murderer, but he's fine with it and... wants to teach me?
"You heard me, you stepped in when the other, fake hero's were too afraid for their petty little lives to help a endangered civilian. For the heroes of today, they only work as a hero for the money and fame. But you, you're a true hero, one who puts their life on the line for a random stranger" he ranted
"So... your really going to help me become a hero?" I said, tears starting to build up in my eyes. This is what I wanted to hear that day. Those were the words I wanted to hear from All Might. This man... no... Stain, was the savior I've always needed, the one who to answer my cries of help. He was going to help me reach my dreams, when the rest of the world stomped them down.
"Yes, meet me back here tomorrow at 6:00 o'clock exactly, do not keep me waiting" he said, glaring at Me towards the end to ensure I'm on time.
"Ye-Yes sir!" I answered
"Please, call me Sensei" he said before jumping off
I really am going to be a hero!
We should probably head home now, Inko is probably worried
Yeah your right
On my way home, I felt once again that I was being followed again, but this time I acted on it. I turned down an alley way and merged into the wall. I waited for what felt like hours but was really only 30 minutes, before Erasure Head came running into the alley.
What's he doing following me?
Probably is worried you'll strangle someone if you 'snap'
Oh yeah
"Where did that crazy kid go?" His tired voice holding a bit of annoyance
We should probably head back now
You really seem to be in a hurry
Maybe because you said you'd be back before dinner, which is in about 15 minutes
How do you know that?
(don't make me come down there)
I'm a wizard
That's not a-
I'm a wizard
...anyways yeah let's go
As I popped out of the wall, I could tell Erasure Head was going to be busy for sometime as he was wrestling with a group of thugs.
I walked down the sidewalk for a while before being pulled into an alleyway by an all too familiar walking bomb.
Oh god it's Kacchan
"So deku, you didn't answer me when I called you, and I'm kind of annoyed at that. but I'll kill you later, right now your gonna tell me who this f(dang it bakuhoe)ing Dark Stalker is. Got it?" He said.
Mind if I take over for a bit?
As long as you don't kill him, I guess so...
Great, because Bakuhoe here is really pissing me off
Got it... wait did you just-
Then we swapped

Bakugoes POV-
By the time I finally found the piece of (nope) deku, it was already getting late. Now to get what I need before beating him back down so he doesn't get his hopes up.
""So deku, you didn't answer me when I called you, and I'm kind of annoyed at that. but I'll kill you later, right now your gonna tell me who this (ba-ku-hoooooe)ing Dark Stalker is. Got it?" I said. He should start spouting garbage before he cry's for help like he always does, can't wait to see what he looks like this ti-
"Sorry Bakugo, but I'm not sure I want to say" Izuku said with demonic sounding slips at random before he went full 50/50. What the (calm down bomber man) happened to deku? And more importantly... WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS SAYING NO TO ME!?!
"The hell you say to me you little shit?" I snapped back at him.
(I give up, f*** you bakuhoe)
"Exactly what you heard, asshat, I. Do not. Feel. Like. Telling. Your. Dumb. Ass" he said going from half demonic to all out. I only now realized his hair changed from black and green to black and grey, with his eyes turning deep red. What kind of shit happened to you Izuku?
"Trying to start something? Quirkle-"
"Not anymore pal" he cut me off before grinning practically ear to ear
"Deny it all you want deku, your quirkless. Nothing can change that" I said
"Then please do explain this" he said before flicking his finger towards me, before what feels like a fist punches me in the gut and knocking me back to the other wall. THE F*** KIND OF SHIT WAS THAT YOU-
As I was about to respond, until I looked up to find no one there.
A/N: sorry this took longer than I wanted, but my brain had a stroke on how to have bakugo confront Izuku about him, his power, and Dark Stalker. Also Dark Stalker's design is currently in the works. Okay byyyyyyyyyyyye

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