Chapter 47

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The lack of activities at the Polemann Castle worries Bandele's aides. Ladies no longer show up like before, making the castle a Caribbean island. The perks they derive from running around are now drying up.

Molefi finds it hard to understand why his boss favours Sheline who isn't the most beautiful on the lists. Bandele is just unbelievable. How can such a wealthy man overlook fashionable and wealthy Joburg ladies, classy Eldorado Park babes, luscious business executives in the CBD, sophisticated city gals in Fourways, all in exchange for some obscure twenty-year-old non-starter from Zimbabwe?

Molefi sits by the desk shaking his head in disbelief. For two weeks now the boss keeps his aides guessing his next move. He now makes Sheline the cornerstone of his thoughts and actions. No other lady deserves his time.

Job security issues play strong on Molefi's mind when he calls his colleagues for a brief meeting. Akida is already on seat, but Pono is out to pick a newspaper.

Pono steps in. "What's happening these days?" He drops the newspapers. "The castle is always empty, unlike before."

"The Lion is carried away with Sheline for now." Molefi supports his jaw with his right hand. "He's too soft on that girl because he wants her here as his wife."

"His wife?" A chuckle escapes Akida's mouth while Pono laughs aloud.

"Is it that same Zimbabwean girl on Princewill?" Pono asks.

Molefi waves a dismissive hand. "The same church girl."

"He must really like her. Since I started work here, I never saw him attend church," Pono says.

Molefi nods slowly. "He didn't pick her from church last weekend, yet he didn't ask for another lady and he didn't bring any home."

"The boss now has a bible on his dressing table." Akida leans forward, both hands supporting his head.

"Has she come here before?" Pono takes a seat.


"She must be special."

"Nothing special about her," says Molefi. "He just likes her church lifestyle because she doesn't sleep around."

"Arrgh!" Pono lifts to his feet. "Which Soweto lady doesn't sleep around?"

"This one does not. She's married but no one knows her husband."

"When will she visit?" Pono asks.

"No idea."

"She must come and introduce herself to us. The earlier she does that, the better."

"She's out of town as we speak." Molefi leaves his desk. "But when she comes here, we must give her a special welcome, just in case she's the one Bandele wants to marry."

"Okay, boss."

"He told me to write a special praise for him because of her. I'll update you guys as things go on. You can leave."

Pono exits the house, but Akida returns to the upper floor.

Upstairs lay Bandele focusing on his newfound love, Sheline. What is it about this young lady that tickles him so much? Apart from beauty, she has virtues not common with other ladies. Which Orlando lady would receive a package from him and not knock on his gate for more? Which of them will dare to turn down his invitation to the castle? Some even refuse to go to work for his sake, cancel whatever important engagements they may have, just to be here. This one has the courage to rebuff his advances without batting an eyelid. She alone deserves to be his wife.

In line with their agreement, she ought to contact him after returning from Zimbabwe but she's yet to do so. Still, he resists the urge to invite anyone home. His priorities seem to be different now.

For the first time in years, Bandele is patient about a lady who challenges his status. Could he wait on a girl this long? Could he find a lady so absorbing he'll look away from all others? Maybe its time to up his game.

Friday evening, Pono catches a glimpse of Sheline on her way back from school. He dials Molefi. "Sheline is around. She's been around for three days."

"Okay. Thanks."

Molefi climbs up the stairs to relay the message, knowing that the love-struck businessman wants her here. After doing so, he turns around to leave, but Bandele calls out: "Molefi!"

"Yes, boss."

"What do you think of her so far?"

"Boss, you've been easy on her."

"The lion is in love." Bandele whispers, grinning.

"I thought so too."

"She's supposed to call me after coming from Zimbabwe. But she doesn't."

"We need to make her fear a bit, boss."

"No. That is not how we started with her. She now thinks I'm a gentleman. If we put fear in her, she will think we're fake."

"That's true, boss. I agree."

"I have a plan."

Molefi brings out a pen and paper, drawing closer.

Bandele lifts from the sofa, pacing around. For two minutes he muses over what to say and how to explain it. Done, he perches on the settee. "Within the next two weeks, I'll bring Sheline here. If she refuses to come, we'll change our plan."

He whispers into Molefi's right ear and pats him on the back. The aide nods and then leaves the room.

On Sunday, Bandele picks up the ladies from church. After dropping them off, he says to Margaret. "I'm going out with Sheline now."

"Okay, okay." Margaret guides her kids up the stairs.

Despite all that happened in Bulawayo, Sheline has no qualms going on a date. She can't avoid this man as long as she lives in Soweto, not with his aura and the respect people accord him. Apparently, she must make a distinction between her Bulawayo life and Soweto student life. A lady has to survive out here. Sheline relieves her mind of worries.

Bandele takes her to Randburg where they visit multiple stores to pick up designer wears and shoes. Shopping over, they head to the cinema – her first visit there since arriving in Soweto. It feels different going for movies today. Perhaps, the variety of clothes in the car boot plays a part in how she feels. Out through the windows goes the initial awkwardness of being with a man unknown to her husband, who now seems far, far away.

This man showers gifts on her without lamenting about budgeting and affordability. He spends on her like no other in the Guinness Book of Records. The expression-free faces he carries while spending speaks volumes about his deep pockets. Such a man is worthy to be a confidant she can't wish away. She's not the first wife to mingle with another man; neither will she be the last.

Guilt soon descends on Sheline, but she quickly dispels it. Moyo is aware of this family friend who's also known to Margaret. Therefore, she's doing nothing wrong. She should have something to say when friends and neighbours discuss life on campus. This is the South African experience people talk about back home. She has to play her part while she can. Sheline frees her mind of inhibitions.

After they return to the car, Bandele reclines on the chair, ready for a talk. The Polemann landlord finds himself weakened at the knees to talk to Sheline. "What are we doing?" He manages to say.

Radiant Sheline looks around to grab the meaning of his question.

"You know I like you. I want you in my mansion."

"When should I come?"

"This Saturday. In the afternoon."

"Okay. I'll be there around one o'clock. But I don't even know your place."

"You don't know the Polemann Castle?" He leans forward, puzzled.

Sheline shakes her head slowly.

"One of my boys will come to pick you."

"All right."

They drive back to Orlando where he drops her at home.   

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