Stranded 🚶🏾‍♀️

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Sometimes as we grow we feel like once we reach a certain point we feel stranded. Like what's next from here? I've gotten to this greater me but I feel like I can be doing so much more. Let me tell you this and I'm speaking to myself too. Do it ! Do more if that's what you feel your soul telling you to do. Just because you've reached a certain level of growth doesn't mean your done. We have so many things to keep unlocking within ourselves. That's why when we accomplish one goal and feel the need for more that means that we have so much more to do. Listen to your gut when it tells you that you need to do something extra. It can be so much more beneficial to who you need to be going forward from now. Ever since we were born we were meant to grow each and everyday. From physical to mental. So don't feel stranded just keep moving forward to who you need to be and more.

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