She used to be mine (Big Sis Magne X Reader) Platonic

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Contains huge spoilers in episode two of season 4 that I watched yesterday. I cried. Overhaul, I hope you suffer you son of a—

She's imperfect, but she tries. She is good, but she lies.

She is hard on herself.

She is broken, but won't ask for help.

That's Big Sis Magne to you. That's Kenji for you.

She was gone in a flash. Just like that.

The blood on your face seem to mortify you, as you stood there, paralyzed and still. A shiver ran down your spine knowing that it was her remains running alongside your face. Your body trembled, as the amount of blood that sprayed towards your direction bothers you more and more for the passing minutes.

Tears uncontrollably cascaded down your face, as the ensuing chaos ran in the background and you can't even comprehend what was happening.

Your feet felt numb, as you can barely feel anything. Your vision spun, as it blurs and darken. In all your years living, you seem to forget how to breathe. Your eyelids grew heavier and heavier, your composure lost and you bag to unconsciously stumble back.

And before you can fall back, Atsuhiro immediately caught you in his arms with an exclaim you can't hear. You can't bother to listen to him right now, you can't even hear him. The chaos drowned in the background, as your world began to disintegrate.

Your past with Kenji was simple.

You were saved by her in the dark streets one night. And by the Gods, that day you thought you were going to die.

But she came. Your saviour.

After that, she never spoke a word and just left you with a dead body.

The second meeting was at the same alley. That night, you were just looking for her. You talked to her for a bit, and the next you know you're seeing here in the same spot every night to talk.

It was nothing romantic. A blooming friendship was formed despite your differences. She's a villain, while you were just a simple and average civilian living your life.

The next thing you know, you actually joined the villains with her.

It's strange how life works. You found yourself associating yourself with people like them.

That one fateful night, you found your friends. Your family.

"I'm going to cut a bitch today," you uttered under your breathe, as you clutched your bandaged head. You have no idea how you have a bandage around your head, but Atsuhiro probably dropped you or something. You're mad at him for that, but you can't get mad at him right now, his arm just got disintegrated.

"See?! They agree with me! Let us cut him, Tomura!"

"No." Tomura shortly answered.

"What?! Did you see what that birb man did?!" Toga exclaimed. "Let Y/N cut him! Let me cut him! Let us cut him!"

"Not yet."

Getting to know Kenji was the best thing.

She just want to accepted by the world. That is all what she wanted.
And you told her the same thing.
You too want to get accepted by the world.

That's the similarity you had with her. The need to be accepted by society and not be seen as an abomination of the world.

And in the league of Villains, the both of you found acceptance. It such a shame that Magne was gone now.

Your nimble fingers dances across the piano. It was the song that and Magne loved a lot, she even taught you how to play it on the piano. Heck, she taught you how to play a piano. It took her quite a long time to do so, due to your memory troubles, but she managed. And she was quite proud.

It was difficult not to shed a tear as your fingers danced on the keys, not feeling the same without Magne playing with you, singing along with you.

"It's not simple to say, that most days I don't recognize me... That these shoes and this apron, that place and its patrons have taken more than I gave them..." You shakily sang  "It's not easy to know, I'm not anything like I used be, although it's true. I was never attention's sweet center. I still remember that girl..." your lips quivered, knowing the next part was her favourite.

Toga sat by your side, watching you play the piano in sheer amusement, her awed daze on your figure. Twice listened as well, with the similar look with Toga if he were to take his mask off.

"She's imperfect, but she tries. She is good, but she lies. She is hard on herself... She is broken and won't ask for help." You wiped the tears forming in your eyes, looking up to avoid making them fall. "She is messy, but she's kind. She is lonely most of the time... She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie... She is gone, but she used to be mine." You sniffed, as your finger grew numb to play, but you still played.

"It's not what I asked for. Sometimes life just slips in through a back door, and carves out a person and makes you believe it's all true. And now I've got you," your voice grew strained as you sang, as Toga herself grew emotional as well. And Twice, too.

"And you're not what I asked for. If I'm honest, I know I would give it all bAck—" your voice cracked, as tears feely steamed down your face. "—For a chance to start over and rewrite an ending or two. For the girl that I knEw! Who'll be reckless, just enough..." You broke down, but your finger freely moved on the keys. "Who'll get hurt, but who learns how to toughen up when she's bruised and gets used by a man who can't love... And then she'll get stuck and be scared of the life that's inside her, growing stronger each day 'til it finally reminds her to fight just a little, to bring back the fIre in her eyes!" Through clenched teeth, you forced yourself to sing.

Usually in this part of the song, the two of you would laugh as both of you can't reach the note. Even now you can't reach the notes, but you didn't laughed. You just missed her dearly.

"That's been gone, but used to be mine... Used to be mine!" You sobbed, as the two watched, while Tomura just listened. "She is messy, but she's kind... She is lonely most of the time.
She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie..." You sniffed, as your fingers danced through the last notes.

"She is gone... but she used to be mine..." You haunched over the piano, as the keys under you came in a jumbled notes, as Toga and Twice applauds you. Toga embraces you from behind, stroking your hair as you sobbed.

"Big sis would be proud of you..."

Tomura stood by the side, leaning his back onto the wall, clenching his fists. He will get back at them soon.

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