Yanderes (Edited)

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I couldn't think of a better theme for Halloween, but to make these scary villains into scarier villains.

Forgive me, I have no idea left and I have no idea how Halloween works

*Cries and laughs at country who does not celebrate Halloween*

So yeah..

Jin (Twice)

A deluded man who thinks he's keeping you safe in his arms. A deluded man who thinks isolating you away from civilization will keep you safe. Deluded, but completely rational. A cycle of agreeing with himself, and contradicting himself.

No one will dare to lay a finger on you, his dearly beloved.

You were the only one who understands him, who supported him dearly. You believed there was good in him, that he was simply misunderstood, casted away from society because of his mental disorder.

And he can't let the horrors of this world taint your kindness like it tainted his.

The other rational part of him is screaming not to do it, but a huge part of him is screaming to do it and it is tearing him apart.


Without any control of his own body whatsoever, he snuck into your room and snatches you away without any trace. Never to be found again.

It was adorable how you slept soundly in his arms, is when he fully agrees with himself the only way you'd be safe was to be in his arms.

Touya (Dabi)

It was sheer bliss to see you beg.

Beg for your safety? Blissful.

Beg for his mercy? Blissful.

Come on, just beg. He loves it when you beg, especially when you're in your knees, crying, pleading, doing everything just for him to give whatever you want...

But one thing's for sure, he'll never let you go. Not even in your dreams.

Oh not to mention, he always looked forward to see you make mistakes in his eyes, that's when the punishment comes. It somehow sends euphoric bliss to see you covered in his very own marks. Bruises, burn marks, bite marks, oh he loves all of them! And he always made you flaunt then by making you wear revealing clothing.

Completely sadistic, possessive and obsessed. He just can't get enough of everything of you. 

Hari (Chrono)

Borderline sadistic, obsessive, completely protective.

Hari doesn't really mind blood shed. He does that all the time for Overhaul's sake whenever he doesn't want his hands to get dirty, he's used to it.

Here he thought he'd be nothing but an empty shell used by Overhaul, he thought he can never feel, never have emotions of his own. He was but a tool for Overhaul's disposal... Until he met you.

He found himself melting at the mere thought of you, there was definitely something that made him head over heels for you— be more than in love with you.

No one will ever dare to touch you with him on your side. No will ever hurt you again. He'll make sure of it.
Any sign of your discomfort to anyone will immediately be eliminated. Immediately and efficiently.

Of course, he always needed to work on you— it wasn't easy to kidnap you and keep you quiet in his room. If he needed you to have the feel the same feeling he has over you, he'd do it efficiently.

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