3- back at it again at krispy kream

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3rd person pov
y/n walked into class 1-a alone. they made eye contact with momo while she was talking to kyoka. y/n did a full on neito smile, the eyes getting shaded and veiled by hair. the whole shebang yunno. kyoka shivered and sat down, deciding it might be best to stay out of whatever the fuck was about to go down.
"hey momo-chan... ('⊙ω⊙')" y/n said twitching slightly. she put her hands on momos shoulders and brought her lips to yaomomos lips. "gimme...." momo sweatdropped.
"give you what, y/n"
"gimme... your...FACKING MONEY!!!" y/n screamed.
"l/n! that language is extremely inappropriate! as heroes in training we must act ap-" y/n cut tenya off by putting a finger to his lips. they put their other hand under his chin and pulled him closer to them. "shhhh... quiet down ten-chan... don't wanna make a scene now do we?" tenya blushed and y/n just burst out laughing.
"sorry i love you bb but s' fun to mess with y'all"
just then eraser walked- well rolled in
"k guys let's get this day over with"

time skippy to end of the day

y/n confirmed their plans with mina, tsu, and ocha again then headed home to change out of their school uniform. they rummaged through the pile of clothes sitting in the drier in their basement. and picked out a black long sleeved shirt and cargo pants. they went upstairs to brush their teeth, check the time, and put on their f/c converse sneakers. (yes y/n is essentially gender neutral kim possible) y/n left their house without locking the doors. they didn't really care enough anyway. they made their way to the mall and saw the group of girls waiting in line at krispy kream. y/n ran up to them and jumped in between mina and tsu and demonically screeched "BACK AT IT AGAIN AT KRISPY KREAM"

•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now