10- wowie another filler because i forgot a certain part

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y/ns pov
i was walking to school today when i saw him walking in front.
'shit! fuck fuck fuck! should i talk to him??? no, fuck! i should stay back here. i don't want him knowing leglicker69 is me. shit, but what if he thinks i'm stalking him!'
i didn't have any time to make a decision because he turned around and came up to talk to me. how did he know i was here!? did he hear my footsteps???

"hey! how's my favourite person doin'!" he said enthusiastically. 'nows ur fuking chance, numb nuts! flirt!'

"fine, haha! how's mine?" i responded with a nudge and wink. denki blushed slightly before speaking back.

"i'm pretty good! better now that you're here, hmm?" he gave one of those nods. you know which one i'm talking about? the cocky bastard nod? i guess it was my turn to blush now.



"shit. i guess we should get to class, yeah?"

"yeah! . . . hey y/n..."


"wanna sit with me and the bois at lunch today...?"

"yes! i'd love to, thanks for inviting me!"

"for sure!"

time skip to lunch
denki pov

'dammit. kirishima, sero, mina, and bakugo know i like y/n! if they come to sit with us they'll tease me and y/n will know i like them! what do i do?'
i ran up to y/n while they were in line to grab their food.

"hey, y/n! what's up?"

"not much. just grabbing f/f. what are you having?" i glanced down at my tray.

"s-same as usual, haha!... um..." i started to panic and didn't finish my sentence.

"hey are you okay, denki?" i blushed every time they called me by my first name. "you look a little red-"


i didn't know what that meant but i knew it wasn't good. whatever it was, i couldn't let y/n get hurt. i grabbed their arm and started running towards the exit.

"w-woah, denki! what are you doing?"

"i'm not sure what a level three security breach is, but you're too stunning to get hurt!" i say serious, but with a wink.

'fuck, c'mon man! did you really have to flirt again!?!'

"haha." they responded sarcastically with an eye roll.

time skip to after iida was made class rep bc i'm lazy

y/n pov

"long story short it was just the media attempting to get a story on all might being a new teacher at U.A." aizawa responded monotonously.

i put my hand up.

"yes, l/n?"

"wait... so if it was just the media, why was the gate disintegrated?"

aizawa looked out the window and muttered a curse under his breath.

"thank you, l/n. i'll inform principal nezu. iida, as class rep, you are in charge til i get back."


•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now