quirk reveal!!!

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special shoutout to MemelordInsomniac for the quirk suggestion/idea.

so basically y/ns quirk is the ability to manipulate and excrete any gas from their body. so like you can filter oxygen, helium, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, etc from their body or just use the gases around them to their advantage. if partnered up with someone like todoroki or bakugou, y/n could be able to produce propane and make a huge uh,,,crispy hot flamey place. y/n can breathe out the gases or just have them come out of their pores.

y/n is immune to the gases they produce.

pounding headaches, vomiting, sweating (which clogs up pores and makes it harder to use their quirk) and sometimes in extreme cases, dizziness, loss of sight, and fainting.

because of the drawbacks, y/ns hero costume will have mini canisters of their most used gases so they can manipulate instead of producing. y'all just wait for the costume reveal. itl be like midnights NOT IN THE DESIGN BUT LIKE I MEAN Y/N WILL EITHER HAVE TO SHOW A LOt OF SKIN OR HAVE IT BE DELICATE OR EASIER TO TEAR.

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