8- 🅱️enis

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do y'all like my drawing of the big 3? hot right? also i just published a oneshots book and i'm taking requests for anything and anyone/ship!

denkis pov

i put my phone down on my nightstand and lay down on my bed. it didn't matter how badly i wanted anon to be y/n, i knew it was too good to be true. y/n probably didn't like me back. i know i flirt with a lot of the people at my school but it was different this time. i actual had feelings for y/n. it wasn't just meaningless flirting now. 'we're in the endgame now' i thought and snickered. i shook my head clear from those thoughts. y/n is just as 'dank' as i am. i was literally arguing in my head like the do i'm the movies. just then my phone buzzed.

hey bby💕

hey anon wassup

nothin much hbu cutie

     denki felt a small, almost unnoticeable blush come to his face

just waiting for my hint ;)

oh right 👁🐐🐐🐐🐐

wh a T

i'm in 1-a

sksks ur in my class

hell fukin yee i am

hey wait anon
can we talk about what happened yesterday

oh yeah fs just a sec

leglicker69 has left the chat!

ur not coming back are you

pikapiss has left the chat!

•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now