11- ugly ass fucking noodle head

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leglicker69 has started a private chat with pikapiss!

hey cutie ;^)

i know we've been over this but for fucks sake please stop putting the nose

sorry :^(

a n o n
akandjjfd whatever
what's my hint? do i gay ur name?
sksks get*

i'll give u a hint no names tho


i am one of 1-as top 8 students

a/n: i know the midterms haven't happened yet, but we're going to pretend that the people who scored highest on the midterm rankings are the actual top students

i checked it out like you asked
if ur top 8 then u could be yaoyorozu, iida, bakugo, midoriya, todoroki, y/n, asui or jirou

shit yeah
my names on there

holy shit
man i-

bro i'm gonna be honest here
i've been thinking about you a LOT more than i'd like to admit
especially recently
iono what it is but i can't ur stupid laugh out of my head
or ur  s m i l e
aidjdkdj sorry

you like my smile?
im actually soft sksksk
like i'm dead ass blushing rn i  c a n t
how do you even like my laugh my voice is so weird

i think it's hottt
with three ts


brb i'm gonna anonymously send u a worm on a string
u can expect it by dec 13

that's oddly pacific

i'm actually in tears-
do you mean specific???

oh yeah maybe
well fuck
u probably think i'm dumb now

actually i always knew u were dumb
that's kinda why i love u doe
ur precious and hilarious and funny and pure and wholesome and

in the famous words of @ leglicker69 keep it in ur pants

i,,,didn't come up,,,with that????
again, why i've fallen for you
it was a vERY dramatic fall too
one day i was walking to class and i saw you and i had a stroke
i mean ur fucking HOT

i'm sofT
i just got a text from bakugou yelling at me to do my homework
i should probably do that
but i guess that also means you aren't bakugo

yeah i should do mine to
bye sexy

bye cutie

leglicker69 has left the chat!
pikapiss has left the chat!

word count: 419 words. note how i'm dragging this out so the word count goes up

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