14- usj? more like poo-sj

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my dumbass doesn't know how to write intro scenes so we're starting after they enter the usj building.  oops.

y/ns pov

we just entered this huge ass building. damn, thats a huge bitch. 13 came by and explained that we would be doing rescue training and how some of our quirks could easily kill and we needed to learn to control it. i don't really care, i just want to impress denki, ya feel? i waited for a while just daydreaming (mainly about denki) until  the lights started flickering. everyone seemed taken aback.

"hey, uh... aizawa-sensei? there's like, a thing that's probably not supposed to be there?" i said in a concerned manner. a shit ton of villains started pouring out of the janky-ass vortex thing.

"13 protect the students and get them out of here!"

"right! students, come with me!"

"ah so this is class 1-A then. the class schedule said all might was supposed to be here... dammit!" the creepy hand guy said. 13 tried to run out of the building with us but grilby surrounded us at the exit. eiji and katsuki jumped in front of him and went to attack when we got sent into a portal. i started falling from the sky into a shit ton of water. i glanced around and didnt see anyone. i used my quirk to release oxygen and boost myself up out of the water. tsuyu was seen on a boat along with izuku and

oh ew



i land on the other side of the boat, but the noise seems to alert the heroes in training. their footsteps race towards me, albeit tsuyu jumping over.

"oh, kero. it's just you n/n." i look at her and flash a small, yet genuine smile.

"yeah, no worries! we should be focused on bigger problems though." i gesture towards the rapidly approaching villain swarm. "my quirk is just eh here. it doesn't really shine, but it doesn't technically get worse. where as tsu's quirk is perfectly suited to water habitats." i began to explain. "i think if we strategize, she should be out main 'asset'. y'all with me?" i look at them and the offer a confirming nod. well except for mineta. "also." i glance over to minoru. "i think we should use minoru as a pawn." he looks at me horrified.

"huh!? you can do that! i'll die!" he sweatdrops and squirms.

"good. perish." midoriya looks at me like i'm crazy.

"y-you can't be serious about that! sacrificing another student is the opposite of what a hero does!" he stares back at my amused eyes. i just respond with a blunt answer like "k" and move on. we devise a plan and put it into action.

a/n: gonna be honest here it's been a hot second since i watched the usj episode, and i'm supposed to be in bed rn. i remember the scene, just not specific dialogue and some of the order. we just guessing at this point, babes.

midoriya used his quirk to create a whirlpool to drag all of the villains in with the current. tsu helped us jump and m*neta threw his sticky balls into the water. i was about to throw a canister of knock out gas, but izuku stopped me.

"l/n! y-you can't do that! they'll d-die...!" i just sighed and clipped the canister back on my hip. we made it to the main area where the villains originally entered. they weren't looking so good tho. like i'm talking heaps of bad guys on the ground. i saw one get their ass blown up by katsuki.

"HE NEED SOME MILK!" i shouted while pointing at the scene unfolding. kats response was obviously yelling and name calling but u get used to it after a while.
i extended my arm towards the ground while my other hand grasped my forearm. i blasted myself up into the air and quickly glanced around.
(still trying to remember who was with who but i think it was momo, kyouka, and denki in the landslide zone??? i hope so because that's what we're going with!)
over in the landslide area, i spotted a familiar head of bright blond hair.

'denki...' i thought. 'holy shit! at this rate, he'll die!'

word count: 736
just wanted to get usj pt1 out before christmas. happy holidays y'all!

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