6- i wont hesatate BITCH

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pikapiss started a private chat with leglicker69!

new phone, who dis?

uh hey so this'll be kanda weird but like you know those cliche fanfics...?

might wanna specify but yeah probably i have a friend that reads a surplus

'shit...' i thought. 'well he doesn't know for sure that it's you, so just keep going ig'

i mean the one where the reader texts their favourite anime character anonymously???

oh yeah ig i do
w a i t

yeah well i like you. like a lot. i like your adorable dorky grin and your soft hair that i'm pretty sure defies the laws of physics and gravity, i like your eyes that seem to glow in the moonlight and i just-
gimme a sec i'm pretty sure i'm getting like, metaphorical heart palpitations

woah there buddy
that was kinda unexpected i mean
nobody really finds my flirting attractive and i am constantly trying to get a s/o so i don't really understand why you'd wanna be anonymous but ight

yeah but iono if you like me back or not and like you are actually my world and if u reject me i might just die

st o p
ur making me soft 😩



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knowing you u probably have your eyes out for someone already huh :^/

i mean i kinda do but i have a feeling they don't really like me back yk

'oh... he likes someone else...'

sorry i probably shouldn't've mentioned anything considering you have it for me

'well if i can't be with him i can at least make him see the good in me or some cheesy shit'

nah if i can't have u i'll at least make you happy
now spill the mf tea

nuuu i said the chances of them liking me back is crazy low like you have a chance
rooting for you even

tell me or istg i will sell your embarrassing info to the class

i don't really feel threatened 👊😎
there's not much to find i can assure u

ok Denki Kaminari
blood type O
quirk electrification
born in saitama prefecture

hello police

lmfaooooo it's okay man i just saw your file in principle nezus office
i was bored and he hadn't come back in the room yet so i snatched some people's files

nvm i feel threatened 👊😩

you should but also pls don't ily standing for i like you we ain't in that deep yet lmfao

you said you wanted to help wingman me?

offer still stands

well i'm thinking maybe for valentines asking them out
or maybe you if you win my heart by then ;)

well it not telling me who it is so it's kinda hard to personalize it
hbu just tell me what kind of person they are?

well they're super funny
and like amazingly stunning
like the most attractive body and eyes

ok creep

i'm not trYING TO BE C R E E P Y
they just have an amazing heart and is way better at me everything
i don't see how they'd fall for someone like me
oof sorry i should slow down you still like me dontcha

yeah i 100% have the hots for you so keep it in ur pants lmfao

why don't u tell me something about you that gives me a hint

that's not a bad idea coming from someone as... how do i put this... fucking stupid as you (ily tho)
how about i give you a small hint everyday and you get one final guess as to who i am

well considering i agree with you on the dumbass thing i'll probably end up wasting my guess but ig that's fair

alright first hint then i gtg do my hw before aizawa kicks my ass
i'm in the hero course

wait that barely narrows it down!

leglicker69 has left the chat!

a n o n

pikapiss has left the chat!

woo 700 words a new record

•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now