16- what the feck happened

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y/n pov

i awoke to the sickening sound of a heart monitor. my own, i realized shortly after.

"the fuck." i bluntly asked. recovery girl turned around in her chair looking shocked, but relieved.

"l/n! i'm surprised your awake..." she said. "it was predicted you wouldn't wake for another 3 days!" i glanced at her, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"huh? how long ago was the 'incident' then?" i almost hesitantly asked. recovery was checking my vitals.

"it was just yesterday, that's why i was so shocked when you suddenly sprung up seemingly fine!" she rambled. i stared at recovery girl in awe. "your heart rate is close to normal and your blood pressure is just over average! i won't clear you just in case something goes wrong, but you have the day off after what happened at the usj."

"yeah that kinda flopped not gonna lie." she didn't look impressed.

"i'm going to let your teacher know that you're alright. press the button if you need anything while i'm gone okay, dearie?" i nodded in response and contemplated just leaving the school to get my phone. i swung my feet over the edge of the bed and pressed the pads of my feet against the icy tile. i pulled back the iv tape and quickly but carefully pulled it out. i figured that class 1-a was at least a 2 minute walk there and back but if the teachers were in the faculty room... shit. i had less time to get out. i seemed fine when i stood up, just a slightly dizzy sensation. my house was only a few blocks away from ua. not that far. i quickly rounded the corner and slipped through the front gate.

'fuck yeah. stealthy escape time, bitxhes!' i mentally celebrated. i heard recovery girls voice from afar, but i couldn't make out what words she was saying. i made sure to get home quickly, as i knew my parents were out yet again.
(a/n: i should honestly just kill them off. whatevs. just say their overseas.) i pulled out a key and slid it in the door. the door creaked open and i made a b line for my room. i opened my phone and saw two text messages.

pikapiss has started a private chat with leglicker69!

hey hey hey
how u holding up after what happened?

eh i'm ok
as long as your fine i'm fine

awwww ur sweet i'm fine tho
i feel kinda bad bc
well it feels weird admitting this to my almost crush but
sometimes when i overuse my quirk

you get stupid.
it's fine i saw

sksks you WHAT
that's so embarrassing i'm deadass gonna cry

i'm guessing you felt bad because you couldn't do jackshit for 69.69% of the attack

how did you know.
my secrets have been revealed.

you know what one of the things i like about you is?

what is it

even if a situation is weird or awkward or embarrassing you always find a way to lighten the mood
it's one of the things i admire most about you tbh


your funny and adorable and do you know how much self control it takes me not to run up to you everyday at school and ask you out

why don't you
lmao what

um hello???

as if
you really think i'd reject someone

well there
it wouldn't be special if ya would date anyone

no wait
i didn't mean it like that

yeah figured i'm just messing wit cha



do you ever feel

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do you ever feel

uh yes i usually have feelings

like a plastic bag


bro it's 8

uh ok

'it's my bedtime
good night

weren't you up til 3 like 2 weeks ago?

did i fucking stutter? no? goodnight.

damn ok gn


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