18- finally fucking getting somewhere

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y/n pov

i roll up to denkis place in my 2004 toyota corolla directly in front of where he was waiting.

"get in loser, we're going shopping!" i holler as i pull my party shades down the bridge of my nose. denki gets in the seat beside me.

"is it safe to drive in those?" he asks quirking an eyebrow.

"yeah probably not." i agree and take them off. i pull away from his house and start the drive to starbucks. i look over and kami looks ecstatic to finally be on a date with me. or maybe just in general. i'm probably over thinking, there's no way he would like someone like me. whatever man i'm just gonna try. what's the worst that could happen?

i reach over to grab his hand and interlace our fingers. my hand goes back to rest on the stick shift with his still underneath. (do y'all know what i mean???) i glance over to see his smile widen and his face painted a soft pink.
we roll up to a starbucks but like one that's mixed w a bookstore??? like where i live there's one inside a chapters/indigo/coles??? whatever you get the point. we walk into the small coffee shop holding hands and wait in line.

"what are you gonna get?" i ask not taking my eyes off of the menu.

"dunno. kinda want a frap??? but like, also wouldn't mind a mocha???" i just giggle and move up to order.

"hi! can i get a (size) (f/d) and a..." i look over at denki who just looked confused. "grande mocha frap please?" his face lit up.

"for sure! will that be all?" the barista asks. i glance over at denki and he slightly nods.

"yeah, that's everything."

"alrighty! can i get a name for that, then?" denki and i exchange mischievous glances.

"bill buttlicker!" i announce. the barista gives me an unreadable expression before chuckling and responding.

"ahhhhhhh..." they glance down. "i see your a man of culture as well..." we all laugh and they tell us our order will be ready in a few minutes. i great denkis arm and sit down in the comfy leather loveseat with him. the smell of coffee and new books is usually calming enough, but having that mixed with denkis shampoo and cologne is therapeutic. my head rests on his shoulder as my eyes flutter closed. i hear him sigh in content while his head falls onto mine as well.

"...hey y/n-" denki starts but gets cut off.

"f/d and mocha frap for a??? william m. buttlicker?" a different employee calls out. some other customers snicker and giggle but only 68.99% (so close dammit) understood the reference.

"i'll go grab out drinks. brb." i reassure him.

"right..." he mumbles but doesn't fail to give me a small grin.

i hand denki his drink and resume my place on the sofa.

"right so what were you gonna say?"
he seems hesitant to respond.

"i- um i really l-like you and i was just wondering if you would..." he stopped again. "uh if you w-would wanna... i dunno." his hand scratched the back of his neck as he looked down to avoid my stare. "do something like this again sometime...?" his gaze lingered on the floor before flickering up to me then darting back to the floor.

"really?" i asked in a teasing tone. "what happened to all that confidence, denki?"
he forced a shaky grin and a small chuckle, his gaze still on the floor. i lean in closer to his face. "not gonna lie, it feels pretty good to be able to make someone like you tremble..." i whisper into his ear. his breath hitches in his throat.

"so...is that a yes?" he asks, finally looking up. denki was acting confident, but i could tell he was nervous on the inside. i hum, pretending to think it over.

"nah, i'm ok." his face immediately falls and he looks like he's on the verge of tears. "hey." i put my hand on his shoulder. "i'm fucking joking. of course." his head shoots up at the speed of light.

"wait, for real!?" he looks astonished, but nervous. like he thought it was another joke.

"deadass." i respond with a nod. he pulls me into an immediate hug. i wrap my arms back around and nuzzle my face into his neck. i pull away and start sipping my drink like nothing happened and we didn't just kinda sorta confess. i move slightly closer to him and leave a quick kiss on his cheek. his face lights up in a blush and he leans towards me and presses his lips onto mine and i instantly kiss back. we finally pull away.

"you have no idea how long i've wanted to to that." we both confess at the same. denki and i burst into little giggles and i rest my head on his shoulder.

AAAAAAA ok ok so first date AND first kiss in same chapter hhhhhh


•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now