17- beans in my cwwwasont

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mywif3leftme started a private chat with pikapiss!

d e n k i
are you okay i-
after the usj thing
you better not be hurt or i stfg

ajsbsjsndj i'm okay!!!!
just a few scratches in more worried abt u tho

no no no no no no no bby i'm fine

you sure
i mean like i know your fine now ig
but like they said you could be in a coma
man i was worried as h e l l
i uh
also heard that you
u h
jiro told me that you helped me out a lot back there
so thanks like a LOT
that happened tho i was like uh
my quirk does this thing sometimes

it turns you into a dumbass??? yeah ik

your so m e a n

whatever you know i love you bb
but you owe me roblox for taking down 3 villains and getting you to safety

t r e e
that's so many

denki i hate to break it to you
but you spelled tree not three


it's alright
we stan your dumbassery

well n e way
why don't you let me take you out for a movie or a coffee or lunch as a thank u???

denki you sly-
yeah why not
but your paying i'm a broke bitch
actually wait
your gonna take me to starbucks and i'm covering $2.37 because that's how much i have left on a crusty old gift card

do n t
or yunno whay fone toucan cover2 dollars
(a/n i actually didn't mean to make that manny errors wtffff)

ok ok i see you
meet my saturday at 10 am?

will do
so pumped
thanks again for saving my ass

anything for my roblox hubby

yoooo we're back together???

mywif3leftme has left the chat!
pikapiss has left the chat!

bshsjssj sorry that took so long for a short ass chapter
like only 353 words who the fuck do i think i am i-

•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now