12- two shots of vodka

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denki pov
i started on my homework but i didn't get it at ALL. i didn't want to ask bakugo because i know he tutors kirishima already. plus am baby. i can't handle his angy 🥺.

"i could always ask y/n..." i thought out loud. 'wtf am i thinking! they'll know i'm into them! is that really so bad tho... eh fuck it. i'll text them and see if they wanna come over and study together!' i pick my phone up from my desk.

hey y/n!
what are you up to?

not much hbu

same here
i was just wondering if u wanna come over and study???

translation: y/n i know ur already done ur homework but i'm a dumbass and i need u to tutor me

was i close?

creepily close
uh yes please

ok i'm on my way
text me ur address

(insert denki address)
sksksk that you sm

no problem bb

mywif3leftme has left the chat!
pikapiss has left the chat!

still denki pov
shit what was i thinking! theyre coming over to my house and i didn't clean, or shower, or- you know what? fuck it. speed clean my room and the entry, and axe body spray this shit. but not too much. people don't like that. wonder why.
soon i heard a knock at my door. i opened it to see a very attractive looking y/n. they were wearing black ripped jeans with a chain on the right hip and a black graphic tee. they had a red flannel over top and a cute sag beanie. they greeted me and took off their faux leather boots to set them aside on the shoe rack.

"so where are your parents?" they ask.

"oh, they went out on a date night. they'll be back at like, 11 pm." i respond.

"oh ok cool." they say with a grin. "what did you need help with for starters?" i lead them to my room and they sat on my bed.

"oh, for this question you just have to make them both into fractions to start."

"but where do i even get the bottom number!?" i panic. y/n just chuckles.

"kami... a percentage is out of 100, right? so it's 36 over 100." they calmly explains.

"ok but now what? this makes no sense! there's no other number for the second fraction!" they reach their hand out towards mine and rest it on top.

"dude, relax! that's why we have variables. 36.y=36y=4800. then we isolate the variable." they try to explain basic math to me, but i can't stop focusing on their hand that's tracing shapes overtop mine. i decide to go for broke and interlace my fingers with theirs, albeit blushing in the process. they pause mid-sentence and look at me, their blush obvious. their other hand pushes hair out of their face.
"u-um heheh... t-then you just divide 4800 b-by 36 and y-you have your answer." i look at them with a very confused expression on my face.

a/n: yall no i don't remember how to do any of this math hush

"ok but why are we making percents into fractions?" they just look at me blankly before bursting out into laughter. they rested their arms around my shoulder and facepalmed with theirs other hand.
"s-seriously?! hahaha! d-den-hahaha! denki! that's like, the whole point of this math unit!" i look away embarrassed but they seem to notice this.
"aw hey. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you feel stupid, i was just joking around." i look back at them with a smile even though i was still embarrassed.

"it's fine. i kinda am stupid so." their smile widens. they pull me into a hug and weave their fingers through my hair.

"nah, you ain't stupid! c'mon, man. i mean... well, actually you are, but just a little bit. that's partially why i'm so drawn to you. you're so funny and sweet. charming, whatever else. it just kinda works for you, yunno?" they offer another sweet smile, though the mood seemed to change. my face started to lean into theirs, both our faces a blushing mess. our faces were inches apart and only getting closer by the second.


"shit! sorry my moms calling. just a sec." they pull away leaving the room ridden with thick sexual tension. they pick up the phone and start talking.
'did that really almost happen!? did i almost have my first kiss!?'
i know i like to talk big or whatever, but the truth is i don't have much experience. their phone call was over and they started to gather their things.

"my moms coming to get me soon, even though i can walk home by myself. she was worried when her and my dad can home and saw i wasn't there. guess it scared them or something." they lazily day with a shrug.

"oh ok. so, y/n, just out of curiosity are you one of our classes top 8 students?" they look at me puzzled.

"uh... i think so? last i checked i was number six. why?"

"no reason! just curious! i said just out of curiosity, right?" i say obviously panicked. they slowly nod.

"well if your up to it, i can try and help you a little more before my parents get here." i stutter a yes please in response. they slide over until our legs are touching. they start explaining and writing out examples again but i still can't seem to focus. the scent of their shampoo and the look of their skin through their jeans is far more interesting. i hear a phone go off and y/n glances over.

"mm. my moms here. i'll see you later, okay? bye denki!" they ruffle my hair and start walking out of my room.

"yeah, for sure! bye!" they walk out of the door and as soon as they leave i shut and locked the door behind them. i instantly sunk to the floor and try to calm down my blush, but to no avail.

word count: 1043

•ur no dr phil but i still love u• denki kaminari x reader crack/textficWhere stories live. Discover now