•fluffy ending•

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y/n pov
i heard a knock at my door and i let out a squeal. i slid down the railing because i'm a kool kat 😎🤙 and answered the door with i grin i couldn't compress.

"hey, l/n!" denki greeted with a lobsided grin. i exchanged my half of the greeting and grabbed his hand. i pulled him up to my room and sat next to him on my bed. I popped (favourite/movie) into the dvd player and turned on the tv. he reached out and traced the tips of his fingers on top of my hand. the movie was starting and i wrapped the blanket around us both  and we pressed ourselves together as my head went to rest in his shoulder. he pressed a warm loving kiss to my temple before turning his attention to the movie.
before i knew it we were halfway through and my eyes were getting heavy. i was so focused on the feeling of denkis arm around me, i barely notice myself slip out of consciousness.

//time skip//

denki pov

"damn kaminari! how'd a dumbass like you get a partner before me?!" sero asked while playfully punching my arm. y/n walked into the classroom and i pulled  them into my arms for a quick peck on the lips.

"YESSS KAMI-BOY, GET IT!!!" ashido cheered. my face turned a burning crimson as i chuckled along with her. y/n squeezed my hand and we walked over to the bakusquad to talk until class started. 

holy shit y'all i can't believe it's almost over hhhh
and don't worry i've decided that after the smut ending i'll make a bonus chapter before focusing on my other book. tysm ik it's short aisjdosk

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