Part 2 - Night

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  Saturday, 12 p.m

Nights like these are not my favourite one's. It doesn't matter what city it is, it could be a huge city or a small town, but people are all the same. Saturday is the busiest night. Night clubs are filled with people who are trying to drown their sadness in alcohol.

"Hey, pretty!" I can hear someone calling me from behind.

Another drunk human who thinks he can do what he wants. Actually I'm sick of people like him, if i could I would end him right here, but that means I would have to reveal who I am, but that's not what I want.

      1 hour later

After making sure no one finds anything suspicious I leave the dead body and go home.

While walking I can hear that there's someone behind me. I can hear the steps getting closer. When it gets enough close i grab the knife from my pocket and turn around.

"Woah! I was ready to surprise you, but I
guess you don't like surprises."

"No, I don't like surprises in the middle of the night in a lonely alley."

"Ok. I guess I have to admit"

I put back my knife while Yeonjun is still staring at me. Yeonjun and his other friends are a group of vampire's that hunt in a group. While I'm trying to not get too close to them.

"What are you doing this late?"

"Hunting. You know it."

"Are you not scared of what could happen to you If someone who is chasing after you finds you here?"

He asks while looking in my eyes. Sometimes he acts like my older brother.


I answer while looking down to my shoes.

"Give me a hand I will take you home."

I give him my hand and the next second we're in my apartment. I always wanted powers to teleport, but I guess I'm not that lucky.

"Thank you, that was fast!"

"I know, you should probably go to sleep. I have some things to do too."

And in next second I'm alone in my cold dark apartment.

As I'm a  half human my body still needs sleep.

After a hot showet i get in my bed under the covers. After an hour I'm already sleeping.

I know it's short and nothing special happens here but I hope you will like the story. I will try to post once a week, but I can't promise anything.💞

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