Part 10 - On our way

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Monday 12 p.m

Yesterday after a long talk and searching on the internet we decided that we are going to visit Hawaii.

Today I came to school worried about what's gonna happen when I face them. So when I entered the class, they werent there for my luck. I thought they won't be in school at all, but for my luck when the clock hit exactly 12 p.m they ran in to class. The teacher let them sat down. 
"Pff, late, of corse what else!" I thought to myself.

"Speaking about late, where were you last week? Hanging out with your friends being too busy to come to school?"

Again. He read my thoughts.


After that the whole day was quite.

After school I decided to talk to teacher about the vacation, but they weren't going to leave the class, what lead me to telling about the vacation in front of them. Of corse I tried to do it quite so they won't hear, but I'm sure they did. At least they don't know where I'm going.


We were saying our last goodbyes to the boys before stepping in the plane.

"I promise we will call you every day."

"But I can't let my little sister go away."

Yeonjun couldn't stop whining like a baby.

"Don't worry she has me!"

After less than an half an hour we were on the plane. All the way over there I slept, couse that was the first time I felt safe and free to relax.

"Hey! Wake up, we're almost there."

I imediately got up and looked out of the window. The scenery in front of me was beautiful. We got off the plane and there were already some people waiting for us.

"Welcome! We're here to make sure you get to hotel safely."

A short friendly man smiled to us and gestured for us to follow him. We got outside and got in the car. The ride was silent, I guess we were too busy watching what was happening out of the window.

"We're here!"

I got out of the car and I was amazed, the place was beautiful and I couldn't wait for my vacation here to start.

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