Part 19 - Dinner

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"I'm scared, what if everything goes wrong?"

"It can't! I promise nothing will go wrong."

He said, while helping to zip up the dress.

At first I was confident about the dinner, but the more I think about it, the more scared I get.

"Don't worry, they all know this evening is special to you. You are special to them."

Jisung said to me, while hugging me close to him.


We were finally at the restaurant. We went up to the employe and asked:

"Excuse me, we have a reservation for tonight."

"Sure, come with me."

We followed him through the restaurant. I was still worried what's about to go down tonight.


"Thank you!"

"Have a nice evening!"

"Thank you!"

We sat down and waited for the others. Jisung was trying to light up my mood, but somehow it didn't help, but I still tried to smile, to not make him sad about it.

First here were Chan and the others. They all said hi, hugged us and sat down. Jisung started a conversation with them, while I went to use the bathroom. For a second I thought that Yeonjun and the others decided to not come, but when I went back to table they were already there sitting in their places, having a small conversations with the others. Maybe it's not that bad?

"I'm glad you all came today to this dinner. I hope we all will have a great evening."

I sat down and everyone was ready to order. While we waited for our food I saw that Changbin and Yeonjun were already having a conversation. I told Jisung to look that way, he immediately understood and smiled at me. When the food came, they all started to embarrass us by telling funny stories from our past. I found out a lot of new things about Jisung. We finished dinner, and by that time they all already had many conversations going on.

"I said they wouldn't be that bad."

Jisung reasured me and I took his hand and smiled at him, suddenly  there was a loud cheering.


And we kissed.❤

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